The pleasurable demonstrations of the apartment project are not experienced from the outside, but can only be appreciated through inhabitation. In contrast to the cell-like functionality of the student accommodation occupying the remainder of the building, the Master's Apartment is a world constructed for more spacious and cosmically connected human dwelling. Details are demonstrations of architectural world making or cosmopoiesis. Frascari's initial sketches for the Master's Apartment show measurements and construction details, rather than the more usual plans, sections and elevations, exemplifying both the fundamental nature of measuring to architecture, and the "role of details as generators". "In architecture," Frascari writes, "monsters are always located in the joint between architectural elements". Climbing and descending uneven terrain become predictable and stable stepping up and stepping down—an architectural response to bodily attributes. Traditionally, the monstrous union between the anatomical parts constituting the compound body of a monster was the subject of rhetorical interpretation.