This chapter performs a queer dis-location or dis-alignment of the intersection metaphor qua spatial location that has already been critically interrogated from multiple angles by practitioners of intersectionality. It draws on recent anthropological work on lines. The chapter provides as comprehensive a description and understanding as possible of the multiple factors that impinge on all the lives and the role they play in creating and maintaining inequality and injustice. Intersectionality has for the most part concentrated on race, gender and class, other sections have received rather less attention. One of the original intersectional texts by Kimberl Crenshaw employs a 2-dimensional metaphor. The different modalities of power discussed by Wendy Brown are analogous to the different routes that make up an intersection in the metaphorical model motorways, B-roads, slip roads, canals, rivers and railway tracks. Arguably, in the intersectional approach there is a longing for a holism able to account for all that contributes to the subject.