For the purposes of this book, ‘drug related litter’ and ‘discarded equipment’ are terms that are used interchangeably to refer to paraphernalia that facilitates injecting episodes and are items that have been deposited in settings associated with episodes of street-based injecting. Such items principally relate to needles that are attached to syringe barrels; as well as interchangeable needle attachments, syringes with no needle attachment and syringes with fixed needle attachments. In addition, drug related litter includes items such as filters, steri-cups®, improvised cookers, water ampoules/bottles, swabs, tissue, needle caps, portable sharps boxes and various wrappings and seals associated with all of the above. Furthermore, the term drug related litter and discarded equipment refers to both used and unused items that may have been deposited in public settings. All of the aforementioned items may be noted in Figures 2.1-2.3.