This chapter describes the country, which is the narrowest part of the Isthmus of America, which is more peculiarly call'd the Isthmus of Darien; probably, from the great River of that Name, wherewith its Northern Coast is bounded to the East. For beyond this River the Land spreads so to the East and North-East, as that on the other Coast does to the South and South-East, that it can no further be call'd an Isthmus. The Main Ridge is of an unequal Breadth, and trends along bending as the Isthmus it self doth. 'Tis in most parts nearest the Edge of the North Sea, seldom above 10 or 15 Miles distant. The River of Chagre is pretty considerable; for it has a long bending Coast rising as it does from the South and East-part of the Isthmus, and at such a distance from its Outlet.