The North-Sea Coast abounds in Fish, and has great variety of them. The Tarpom, which is a large and firm Fish, eating in Flakes like Salmon or Cod. There is a Fish there like the Shark, but much smaller and sweeter Meat. Its Mouth is also longer and narrower than the Sharks; neither has he more than one Row of Teeth. There is another sort of Fish on the North-Sea Coast, which our Sea-men call Gar-fish. There are Sculpins also, a Fish about a Foot long, with Prickles all about him. They strip them of their prickly Skin, and then dress them. They are very good Meat. Of Shell-fish, there are Conchs all along the Samballoes in abundance. 'Dog-fish' is applied to several species of fish possessing the characteristic shark mouth, that is situated under the head.