This chapter analyzes the photographs that were included in Félix Manzano's publication and their accompanying captions. It begins with a review of the photographs that Rulfo took whilst on set. The chapter deals with photographs of La Escondida it is important to note that this photograph of the ramshackle door was probably not taken in Tlaxcala. It begins with two photographs of a revolutionary soldier dead on the ground with his face in the dirt, his horse looking on and his rifle thrown to the side. The chapter explains the final two images capture the essence of what Rulfo set about doing whilst on set, contrasting cinematic rural Mexico withreal rural Mexico. One photograph shows a 'Zapatista' in costume at rest and the other shows the 'Zapatista' extra alongside two Tlaxcalan women in everyday clothing with an infant. One image is evocative of Golden-Age cinema's romanticism whilst the attempts to highlight the hardships of real Mexico through simple, captionless juxtaposition.