Seeing itself as the primary target of the Carter administration’s anti-nuclear paradigm, a defi ant AEOI took an expeditious and unprecedentedly public leadership role on the international stage in response to the administration’s new nuclear policy announced on April 7, 1977. The high-profi le venue for this newfound role was the AEOI-sponsored Iran Conference on Transfer of Nuclear Technology held at Persepolis on April 10-14, 1977, a mere three days after the introduction of the United States’ revised nuclear policy. Eagerly and heavily attended by the nuclear have-nots, the Persepolis Conference distinguished itself as the biggest nuclear energy conference in the world and brought together some 500 nuclear scientists and offi cials “from the West, the Eastern bloc and the developing countries.” 1 Rear Admiral Thomas D. Davies, Assistant Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), headed the American delegation at the conference.