This chapter focuses on particular issues such as accessing different types of support, returning to work and assisting mothers with relactation or induced lactation, family planning and breastfeeding during pregnancy. Breastfeeding mothers need ongoing support from professionals, their peers and society in general to continue breastfeeding for as long they would like to. Today more mothers are looking for support through social media, such as Facebook groups. Peer support programmes were originally set up in areas of deprivation with poor breastfeeding rates. They either provide support on a one-to-one basis or to groups of women. Many mothers want to continue breastfeeding after they return to work but often perceive this as a barrier to continuing breastfeeding. Employers are legally bound to facilitate continued breastfeeding outside normal break times. The employer has a duty to carry out a risk assessment to assess whether working conditions are a risk to the health of the breastfeeding mother or infant.