Mayest thou live, prosper, and be in health, my excellent brother, being wealthy, strongly established, and without “ Ah that I had! ” ,3 while thou hast what thou needest for life in the way of sustenance and victuals; joy and gladness being united in thy path.--------- Mayest thou see the rays of the sun and sate thyself therewith; mayest thou pass thy term of life --------- , thy gods being pleased with thee, not being wroth. Mayest thou receive rewards after old ag e--------- ; 4 mayest thou enter into thy tomb in the necropolis, and mix with the noble souls ; mayest thou be judged among them and be ac­ quitted in Busiris before Wennofre,5 being established in Abydos in the presence of Shu-Onuris.6 Mayest thou cross to U-peker 7 in the train of the god. Mayest thou traverse the Region of the Goddess (?) in the train of Sokaris.8 Mayest thou join the crew of the Neshmet barque without being held back. Mayest thou see the sun in the sky, when he divideth the year.9