In the first every letter of a word is taken for the initial or abbreviation of another word, so that from the letters of a word a sentence may be formed. Thus every letter of the word B R A S hIT h, Berashith, the first word in Genesis, is made the initial of a word, and we obtain B R A S hIT h RAH A LH IM ShIQ B L V IS hR A L T hV R H , Besrashith R ahi Eiohim Sheyequebelo Israel T o ra h : “ In the beginning the Eiohim saw that Israel would accept the law.” In this connection I may give six very in­ teresting specimens of Notariqon formed from this same word B R A S hIT h by Solomon Meir Ben Moses, a Jewish ^abalist, who embraced the Christian faith in 1665, and took the name of Prosper Rugere. These have all a Christian tendency, and by their means Prosper con­ verted another Jew, who had previously been bitterly opposed to Christianity. The first is BN R V C h AB S hL V S hT hM IC hD T hMIM, Ben, Ruach, A b , Shaloshethem Yechad Them itn: “ The Son, the Spirit, the Father, Their Trinity, Perfect Unity.” The second is, BN R V C h AB S hL V S hT hM IC hD T hO BVD V, Ben, Ruach, Ab, Shalo-shcthem Yechad Thaubodo: “ The Son, the Spirit, the Father, ye shall equally worship Their Trinity.” The third is, B K V R I R A S hV N I A S hR S hMV IShVO T hO BV D V , Bekori Rashuni Asher Shamo Yeshuah Thaubodo: “ Ye shall worship My first-born, My first, Whose Name is Jesus.” The fourth is, B B V A RBN A S hR S hMV IShVO T hO BV D V , Beboa Rabban Asher Shamo Yesuah Thaubodo : “ When the Master shall come Whose Name is Jesus ye shall worship.” The fifth is, B T hV LH RAVIH A B C hR S hT hL D IS hVO T hA S hRVH, Bethulah Raviah Abachar Shethaled Yeshuah Thrashroah : “ I will choose a virgin worthy to bring forth Jesus, and ye shall call her blessed.” The sixth is, B O V G T h RTzPIM A S T hT iiR S hG VPI IS hVO T hA K L V , Beaugoth Ratzcphim Assattar Shegopi Yeshuah Thakelo: “ I will hide myself in cake (baked with) coals, for ye shall eat Jesus, My Body.” The Qabalistical importance of these

sentences as bearing upon the doctrines of Christianity can hardly be overrated.