In his book, Young Ferenczi's First Writings, Claude Lorin discussed one of Ferenczi's first clinical cases, the Case of Rosa K. Lorin's description of Rosa K's case was in French. It was translated into English for the author by Sylvie Teicher-Kamens. Inspecting the English version of this case made the author realize that this early Ferenczi case should become known to the analytic community. All in all, The Elizabeth Severn Papers provided a picture of Elizabeth Severn's life and work that was not previously known in the analytic community. The analytic community owes a great deal of gratitude to Margaret Severn and Peter Lipskis for saving The Elizabeth Severn Papers. Margaret Severn was a devoted daughter, who appreciated and valued her mother's contribution to psychoanalysis. Peter Lipskis was a devoted personal friend of Margaret Severn, who took great pains to save these historical documents. Peter Lipskis continues to contribute by consulting with the author about the Severns.