‘What can be the reason of the very short stay the Torrendales made at Tunbridge? They left town towards the end of May, and have returned in the beginning of June. This is not giving the waters a fair trial. It is but the commencement of the season.’ To these remarks, which Matilda made to her young friend, Arbella at first gave no reply. At length she said, shrugging her shoulders, / ‘’Tis a dangerous matter to meddle with state secrets. All I know, is, that her ladyship took a sudden aversion to Tunbridge Wells, and instantly his lordship’s gout forsook him, and he was able to follow her up to town; for he accompanies her now like her shadow, and may not ill be compared to it, being much taller than she is, but slender, silent, and neither possessing her beauty, grace, or colour.’ Then, after a moment’s reflection, she added, ‘Perhaps I am needlessly censorious. His lordship’s fidgets may proceed from an idea that it is a slight to Miss Mountain; for the whole family long to remain out of town without her; and from his desire to conclude this marriage, which has been so long arranged that Strathallan has nothing to do but to hold out his hand and take her. Indeed I believe he suspects such is the plan, for you see he delays his return.’