This chapter presents conversations in the Mandarin Chinese language based on common daily situations with their English translations. English translation enables to follow Chinese more closely. It presents few vocabularies and speech patterns in the Mandarin Chinese language with their English meanings. Vocabulary discusses key concepts such as Specifiers (SP), Classificatory verbs (CLV), acts as a link between the subject and a description of it -usually a way of identifying it. Place words (PW) Names of countries, regions, cities, etc. may serve unchanged as adjectives. Question words (QW) dispenses with the query partiele at the end of the sentence. Their use does not entail inversion of the word order, as in English. Interjection (I)Idiomatic expressions, Surnames. It comes before persons names in China, but Chinese abroad often anticipate misunderstanding by following the Western order. Expansion Drills gives confidence in building up longer and longer sentences in Chinese and increases fluency at the same time.