The work of forgiveness will take different forms depending on the individual or family involved and the circumstances that surround the violated relationship. For some, the work of forgiveness can produce possibilities in relationships that were previously inconceivable. Consider the young woman who was physically abused by her father as a child, and years later is able to happily invite him to walk her down the aisle at her wedding. Or, the man who once felt abandoned by his alcoholic father as a child, enjoying a baseball game with his father and his son. The change that can occur as a result of forgiveness is powerful. However, not every relationship undergoes such drastic transformation in the work of forgiveness. While some individuals and families may enjoy complete reconciliation, others may experience more limited benefits in their forgiveness work. Here, it is important to remember that work in any station of forgiveness is meaningful and carries the ability to create powerful change in an individual and family system. While the station of insight may appear at first glance to be simple and less impactful, the work of insight can bring about profound change both individually and relationally and is an important element of forgiveness.