Miniature figures are the words, symbols, and metaphors of the client's nonverbal communication. It is through the use of the miniature figures that clients are able to express feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and desires that may be too overwhelming for words. Sandtray therapy allows the client to communicate through the use of miniatures and the completed creation in the sand. Miniatures made of pewter, regardless of whether the items are people, wizards, princesses, castles, knights, gargoyles, or whatever, also have the weight and texture components. The early professional literature suggests approximately 300 miniatures be available to a client for use in a psychotherapy session. Badenoch writes of the client's "ability to generate an interpersonal system with the sand and her chosen symbols creating new representations of comfort and release in a visceral rather than cognitive way". There is no exact number of miniatures for the sandtray therapist to have.