This chapter explores why continued professional development (CPD) is a necessity, not an option, what CPD is and how to do it intelligently, how to put together a growth plan. Interpreters seem to have built up a culture where it is normal to give off an aura of polished perfection. In reading the work of Elisabet Tiselius, one might suspect that we as a profession have forgotten that key mindset. Interpreters seem to have built up a culture where it is normal to give off an aura of polished perfection. The research on the patient H. M., who had undergone lobectomy and as a consequence lost his long-term memory, contributed enormously to the research on brain function and memory, cognitive neuropsychology, and specific psychological processes. Empirical material does not mean big data, empirical means that you are using a scientifically collected and analysed material, and not just reporting your own experience or opinion.