How many of you can remember your parents giving you advice to the effect of, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” When it comes to a crime scene investigation unit’s (CSIU) preparedness and response to major incidents, nothing can be more accurate. In order for the CSIU to maintain its continuity of operations (con-ops), during a high consequent event (HCE), that is to say an incident or event beyond the CISU’s normal response capabilities, there must be pre-incident planning, preparation and preparedness, which includes back-up facilities, equipment, and other assets. First the CSIU’s management has to understand and prioritize the possible HCE threats to their jurisdiction, such as those events that are announced and planned well in advance, for example the Super Bowl, a Political Event/Convention, a Thanksgiving Day Parade or New Year’s Eve Celebration. In addition to the planned events, let us not forget those unannounced incidents that take us by surprise, such as terrorist attacks involving a weapon of mass destruction (WMD), transportation incidents (plane or train crash), with or without mass injuries or mass fatalities, and construction incidents involving the collapse of structures (buildings/bridges) or equipment (cranes) with or without mass injuries or mass fatalities, to name a few. Once this has occurred, the CSIUs have to understand how each of the identified HCE threats will impact their day-to-day operations. From this a needs assessment is developed and prioritized, so that that the jurisdiction can begin its preparations and preparedness. Some of the con-ops’ areas of concern are:


Protocols and procedures



