This chapter discusses orthodox psychoanalytic theorists and outlines Sigmund Freud's and Jacques Lacans notions. It plays with these orthodox views, stretching them beyond the limits of their tolerance. Freud distinguished two types of sexual aberration, those in which there is a deviation in the sexual object, and those in which there is a deviation in the sexual aim. Freud attributes the peculiarities of fetishism to its reliance on the psychical defence mechanism of disavowal. The fetishist undergoes the Oedipus complex with one major element that differentiates his position from that of the eventual homosexual or heterosexual. The chapter explores that pornography, like fetishism, is a male preserve; in themselves, they remain inadequate as forms of sexual satisfaction for they reduce women to the position of objects, not subjects. In the path that produces the masculinity complex, there is a disavowal of women's castration and a refusal to acknowledge the socially sanctioned meanings of sexual difference.