This chapter discusses the term quality assurance (QA) as a measure of accountability when applied to educational settings in England. It describes a basic understanding of the concept of quality assurance in education. The chapter analyses teachers' rights, responsibilities and legal liabilities. It examines some challenges and opportunities leaders in settings address in implementing policies and procedures linked to QA. The QA process requires collaboration and whole-school distributed actions so that all are leading provision with consistency. In order to assure quality, different people in an organisation are involved, such as teachers, leaders, governors and parents, albeit at a distance. Cotterill thinks that accountability in education is aimed at 'increasing student achievement', implying all are responsible for evaluating data and disseminating it responsibly. QA and accountability are closely related concepts as both require an evidence base, reflection and action. According to Bell and Stevenson, leadership has to operationalise values, linking leadership, strategy and policy.