The real or personal relationship and the working alliance that form between therapists and their patients are key elements of any therapy, and it is vital for the therapist to make efforts to foster strong real relationships and working alliances. In this chapter, I focus on the things the therapist can do to facilitate the development and strengthening of these two relational elements. As for the real relationship, although in part it simply exists as a function of the extent to which therapist and patient are on the same wavelength as human beings, it can be strengthened by the therapist’s ability to climb into the patient’s inner world, provision of constancy and consistency, management of countertransference, and self-disclosures. On the other hand, the working alliance is fostered by the therapist understanding what is alliance-building for each individual patient, actually being competent in whatever approach is taken, having and communicating empathy, attending to and repairing ruptures in the alliance, possessing patience and curiosity, and helping each session stay on track and move forward.