An important aspect of peri-urban areas is the conversion of once-active industrial functions. The development of peri-urban areas involves the conversion of rural lands into residential use, with closer subdivision, fragmentation and a changing mix of urban and rural activities and functions. Many experts will be required for the requalification of Emmerbrucke, such as transportation engineers for the rearrangement of the internal, as well as external, street access. Botanists and landscape specialists will be required for the protection and enhancement of the wider area. Architects and planners will be needed for the redistribution of the new activities. The project previews the introduction of a green area just outside the town of Casoria, which is near Naples. A number of scientific investigations were aimed at selecting the specific variety and location of the bioclimatic devices: therefore, the sun, wind, sound, and air quality have been analyzed to create a useful database for design decisions, mainly aimed at solar and wind collection.