This chapter describes the relationship between genealogy and the construction of self-identities, developing ideas from established theories of psychology and social development. To achieve this I:

s OUTLINE THEPSYCHOLOGICAL LITERATURE ABOUT SELF IDENTITY FROM A PSYCHOSOCIAL perspective, borrowing from the work of Erik Erikson a psychoanalyst who linked the unconscious, the biological and the social in the human development of identity (Erikson, 1994) and from Sigmund Freud (Freud, 1919/2003 and 1927/2007);

s REFER TO THE EQUALLY COMPELLING RESEARCH BASED THEORIES OF ATTACHMENT LOSS and change emerging from the work of John Bowlby (Bowlby, 1982, 1990 and 2007), Peter Marris (Marris, 2014) and contemporary studies by Antonia Bifulco and her colleagues, all of which explore the impact of psychological disturbance across generations (Bifulco et al., 2000; Bifulco, 2002).