My whole schooling life was just trouble … one point the deputy head master expected me in his office so often that he would have a pile of work for me to do and he wouldn’t even ask me what I did wrong … he would just say ‘Oh [John] take this and …’

(John, 26 years old)

Persistent bullying can unfortunately become a natural and expected behaviour – not only from the bully’s perspective, but also from those surrounding and responsible for them. One may question how this can actually come to be? Chapter 5 shed light on the life of a young girl who engaged in bullying behaviour. Her voice provided insight into potential risk and protective factors that influenced and shaped her life and behaviour. This chapter builds on this understanding by presenting the voice of a young man who persistently bullied others throughout his school life. We aim to deepen current knowledge of persistent bullying in order to inform efforts to proactively address such behaviour.