The concepts of attention, noticing and awareness at the level of understanding found their way into studies examining the question of whether some types of form-focused instruction might work better than others, and which types of corrective feedback might be particularly beneficial for L2 learning. The researchers attribute the finding to combined effect of awareness-raising through the intensive FonFS course and further L2 exposure and study. Research to date has shown that adolescent and adult L2 learners who have experienced explicit, form-focused instruction are not only able to acquire metalinguistic knowledge, but sometimes exhibit quite extensive knowledge of both pedagogical grammar rules and metalanguage. The dependent variable codes classify the outcome measures, which include metalinguistic judgements, selected response measures, constrained constructed response measures and free constructed response measures. If L2 learners can acquire and demonstrate metalinguistic knowledge, and if metalinguistic knowledge is related to L2 achievement, the next question that arises is whether metalinguistic knowledge is instrumental in L2 performance.