The interrelated effects of migration, globalization, capitalism and digitization have influenced London as a distinctive site of cultural production. These factors alter how music is produced and consumed, scene dynamics and how participants interact, which are all issues linked to authenticity. This chapter maps out the historical context of the London hip-hop scene and delineates its impact on the lived out nature of authenticity. It provides an account of how migration and the growing cosmopolitan population of London has impacted the city, forging distinct musical influences and a range of UK hip-hop participants. The chapter discusses the effects of globalization on London-based hip-hop and the ongoing interplay between the UK and USA. It suggests the forces of marketization under capitalism are creating greater distinctions between the mainstream and underground, with authenticity being linked to independent music production. The chapter highlights the continuing repercussions of digitalization and the decline of vinyl with an analysis of how group dynamics have been affected.