Most of psychology is concerned with looking for “laws” of behaviour that can be applied to everyone irrespective of culture, upbringing, etc. Behavioural (or learning) psychologists are interested in ways in which the environment we live in affects our behaviour. Therefore, they examine ways in which we can condition behaviour in animals and humans using things such as learning by association. As a result, if we learn this way then we can un-learn behaviours in the same way! The area of focus here is how we develop phobias and then how we can help people to overcome them. What's in this Unit?

The specification lists the following things that you will need to be able to do for the examination:

Distinguish between typical and atypical fear

Outline common types of phobia: agoraphobia, social phobia, school phobia, acrophobia and arachnophobia

Distinguish between an unconditioned stimulus, a neutral stimulus and a conditioned stimulus

Distinguish between an unconditioned response and a conditioned response

Use the process of classical conditioning to explain the onset of phobias

Explain the criticisms of the behaviourist theory of atypical behaviour

Consider evolutionary theory as an alternative theory with specific reference to preparedness

Describe and outline the limitations of the Watson and Rayner (1920) study

Apply research into atypical behaviour, e.g. behaviour therapy