In this case, a local chapter of a national nonprofit organization continuously struggles with funding and must, therefore, be proactive in seeking out additional revenue sources. The local coordinator encounters a situation involving a potential donor that forces her to weigh the pros and cons of breaking the rules and the best way to communicate her concerns to her superiors and the donor. A chance meeting on a flight leads to a potential conflict-of-interest situation for the local coordinator.

Main Topics

Decision making, Ethics

Secondary Topic

Communication, Intergovernmental affairs*

Teaching Purpose

To discuss the complexities involved in balancing personal and organizational responsibilities within the framework of a nonprofit organization.

The Organization

ReadNow is a nonprofit program that promotes early literacy by giving new books to children and advice to parents about the importance of reading aloud in pediatric exam rooms across the nation.*

<target id="page_73" target-type="page">73</target>Main Characters:

Michael Vaughn, Executive Vice President of Johnson Hospital

Dr. Lea Nelson, Head of National ReadNow

Patricia Clay, Local ReadNow Coordinator

Molly Carter, Tillingast Foundation employee

Dr. Katie Nelson, ReadNow Local Director