The operating light level of a camera varies with the number and size of image sensors in the camera, the type of lens, and the type of system used to break incoming light into its components for color processing. Not long ago, the operating light level for color cameras was in the range of 400 footcandles. Today, the highest-quality cameras can produce excellent pictures with 150 to 200 foot-candles of light, and many cameras provide excellent color with low noise at 50 foot-candles and less. (Foot-candles will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 7.)

Most CCD-type cameras and camcorders can produce excellent color pictures in extremely low light. Two guidelines should always be followed with respect to the amount of light required for the optimum performance of your camera system. First, read the camera operation manual, if available, to learn the manufacturer’s recommendation. Second, check with your engineering staff (if you have one!) for their recommendations.