Chapter 9 provides a concise and clear overview of the new 2016 ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors. Stone’s ethical decision making model, which ASCA recommends, is presented. The model provides a clear roadmap to help new school counselors navigate legal and ethical waters that are oftentimes confusing. The chapter focuses on four core ethical and legal issues that school counselors routinely face: confidentiality, serious and foreseeable harm to self and others, responsibilities to parents/guardians, and dual relationships and managing boundaries. A unique feature of this chapter is the way it is provides examples of legal and ethical issues organized around the four key school counselling delivery services: individual counseling; small group counseling; classroom lessons; and consulting with parents, teachers and administrators. The chapter ends with description of additional training resources such as the ASCA U portal to help students explore more in depth this complex and important topic.