Mexico adopted a National Strategy on Climate Change, Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climtico, ENACC in 2007, which then contributed to the establishment of the Special Programme on Climate Change, Programa Especial de Cambio Climtico, PECC in 2008. Despite Mexico's early involvement in environmental and climate change debates, Mexican actors only slowly picked up climate security argumentations. Mario Molina, one of the scientists who discovered the harmful potential of chlorofluorocarbons and himself a Mexican citizen, underscored the importance of the ozone issue in Mexico. The German environmental consultancy Adelphi, has been a major actor in the German climate security debate, also pointed to the security impacts of climate change in Central America and in Mexico. Partners for Democratic Peace International (PDCI) and its partners carried out workshops and conducted interviews with various non-governmental stakeholders in the Mexican climate field as well as members of the Cmara de Diputados to discuss the connections between climate change and security.