This chapter contains a lesson on how to implement each over-the-counter data (OTCD) Label standard. An ideal data reporting environment should reflect the OTCD Label standards, which stipulate research-based ways data systems/reports can provide titles and footers. These standards can be found online with details on extensive research informing every standard. A 'report list' is a place where users can view of the report offerings at once, albeit with possible page breaks. Having such a list is vital to the data investigation process, where educators must be able to search and skim report titles to locate those best suited to their needs. Each report on this list should have its own, distinct title, which matches the title featured on actual report. Utilize a consistent titling system within the data system or report suite. For example, if one report title ends with word 'List' to indicate that its format involves listing scores of multiple entities, titles of like reports should end with 'List'.