The use of group work in partial hospital settings that treat adolescents has been well documented (Burns, Hoagwood, & Mrazek, 1999; Byrnes, Hansen, Malloy, Carter, & Curry, 1999; Cole & Kelly, 1991; Comer, 1985; Granello, Granello, & Lee, 2000; Kettlewell, Jones, & Jones, 1985; Lázaro et al., 2011; Memel, 2012; Redgrave et al., 2015; Rudd et al., 1996; Silvan, Matzner, & Silva, 1998; Thatte, Makinen, Nguyen, Hill, & Flament, 2013). However, much of what has been published is more than 15 years old, and with one exception (Kettlewell et al., 1985), there is an absence of even minimal guidelines to help group leaders know what effective leadership might look like. This chapter will fill the gap by providing a guide to group therapists working with adolescents in partial hospital settings, similar to the guide written by Vannicelli (2014b) for group work with adults. It will be relevant for group leaders across disciplines, those who supervise these group leaders, and clinical administrators attempting to set up maximally effective partial hospital group programs for adolescents.