The following presents relations of production approach to utopias through commentary on just three of them: Thomas More's Utopia, written at the beginning of the modern era, and the utopias of Edward Bellamy and William Morris produced at the end of the industrial revolution. Utopias can resort to a few basic schemes to solve this question. In summary, the material production of Utopia's space is inconsistent with Utopia's social order. The only problem is that, if art has anything to do with work and with freedom, there cannot be any art of building in this utopia. The abolition of labour could be achieved in this utopia if it were only a question of technological development. Morris does not explain how labour is organised in this pure communism, because people associate freely, and define by themselves their ways of working together. Bellamy tries to set his utopia in the future, but in fact only amplifies the logic of his own present.