This chapter deals with the standards of textuality, how the text progresses, and what Qur'anic text linguistics is about. Text linguistics emerged during the 1970s as a new discipline but has remained a branch of mainstream linguistics. It is concerned with the description and analysis of macro spoken and written texts. Text linguistics is concerned with the flow of information intra-sententially and inter-sententially by looking at text linguistic features of the text like coherence, cohesion, the organization of old/given/known information and new/unknown information which are constituents of the text structure. In text linguistics, the text is a communication system and has a communication function. Text linguistics is different from traditional structural linguistics. Linguistic analysis should be carried out at the macro level, the text, and the sentence is only a part of the macro text. Texture is the semantic interdependence within text. A text needs to be internally cohesive through ties which represent cohesive relations.