Historical knowledge becomes more comprehensive, its alleged sense-value might have been expected to increase with it. Human science might well be impressive because despite the contingency of human life in the universe, human beings learn to use their intelligence in an ever more comprehensive way. If comprehension is the natural attitude in a historicized world determined by the aspiration of the eventual realization of its total self-knowledge, then it automatically also sustains the social-cognitive function of the 'scientific philosophical worker'. The historicize means adopting the cognitive stance of comprehension, having recourse to its cognitive conventions: to its naturalness, its self-evidence, its habitual reference-framework, its familiarity, its depth. History works in a way that marginalizes two of its central connotations such as hermeneutic and ethical. Historicization predetermines life experience and its forms of expression as historical, it reduces hermeneutics to a handy instrument of historicist thinking, of historicist comprehension.