Four years after the Metabolists introduced their manifesto at the World Conference in Tokyo, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry within the government of Eisaku Sato announced that Japan would host the first international exposition. The opening and closing ceremonies were held at Festival Plaza-Symbol Zone, as were special events to showcase the idea of a world community. In addition to Fukuda and Kamiya, Nishiyama and Tange commissioned 10 other architects to design various parts of the Exposition. By the end of what was referred to as the "Izamami period" from 1966 to 1969, Japan surpassed Germany by having the second largest gross national product in the world. The Japan-United States Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, turned out to be a mixed blessing during the Cold War, because it forced Japan to share the nuclear threat, and allowed American troops to be stationed there, giving them a staging area for military activity in Southeast Asia.or deity.