This chapter describes the Curriculum and Assessment course using the Objective Knowledge Growth Framework (OKGF), a Popperian model of reflection. The object of the course was to gather information as to whether the OKGF provided a structure for pre-service teachers to reflect on teaching practice issues that arose during their practicum. It discusses the journal-keeping as a form of self-directed professional inquiry. Since the basic framework used in analyzing pre-service teachers' journal entries is that of a knowledge growth framework, it is important to describe the role of reflection, a World 2 phenomenon, with respect to knowledge growth, a World 3 entity. According to the OKGF, the process of reflecting has four elements they are identified problem (P1), tentative theory (TT1), error elimination (EE1), identification of a new problem (P2). Joan's reflective journal entries addressed classroom management issues. As her initial problem P1, Joan chose to work on better managing the transition time when students came in from outside.