In previous chapters, we have described how being mindful can enhance the quality of your life and experiences. For any of us to get to the position where we can easily remember to be mindful on a daily basis, we really need to practise regularly in a disciplined way. This is why most people join a class or group, so that they can practise with other people and get some feedback on how they are doing. A mindfulness teacher should help to shape your practice so that over time you become more skilled at being mindful when you really need to be. If you prefer to learn how to be mindful on your own, you can begin by following the suggestions in this chapter. In that case, set aside a time each day when you are going to do one or more of the exercises we suggest so that you don’t forget. We would also encourage you to practise being mindful at different points of the day, in different situations and in a variety of places so that you get used to being mindful as you go about your everyday life.