Performance-based assessments are a type of summative assessments, but they differ from traditional testing. Typically, performance-based assessments are more rigorous, because students must go in-depth to complete the performance, project, or portfolio. Performance-based assessments can be broken down into three categories: performances, project- and problem-based learning, and portfolios. Through these types of alternative assessments, students must show their learning in a more rigorous, in-depth manner. Performances encompass a wide range of activities, some of which can be incorporated in project- and problem-based learning and portfolios. Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning are effective strategies for helping students apply their learning and demonstrate their problem-solving skills. Portfolios can incorporate performances and project- and problem-based learning. There are two types of portfolios: best work and growth. A portfolio is a collection of artifacts a student presents, either to peers, the teacher, parents and family members, or all of these groups.