This chapter discusses the practice of dance as 'kinaesthetic training' or arts-based intervention in an organisation. It then focuses on the artistic interventions in organisations, and situates dance as a human movement practice in this context, pointing to its particular potential in today's dynamic times. The chapter also discusses the factors that may have inhibited the use of dance as a practical tool, as well as factors that speak for the use of dance. A framework is then used to discuss dance as an arts-based intervention: The matrix draws on the previous chapters and includes a continuum ranging from dance as metaphor to kinaesthetic experience and practice, and another axis that presents more individual aspects of kinaesthetic politics and group aspects that are concerned with choreography. A choreographed piece can for example be observed to gain insights into a managed but creative collaboration between choreographer and dancers. Dance literally consists of practices of leadership in the sense of 'leading' and 'following'.