One of themain advantages of being in Beyog˘lu is to be able to have face-toface meetings with screenwriters, actors, musicians and directors. These people live just nearby inCihangirwhich is anew fashion, gatheringplace of these people . . . They come to our office orwemeetwith them at the nearby cafes.Thesecafesandbars that these friendsgo,attractedmoreartists and the cafes have become very popular-trendy artists clubs. (Int-B3) Roberts and Turner (2005) defined Soho as the first neighbourhood to operate

successfully as a 24HourCity (Bianchini 1995;Heath 1997).However by 1997,many complaints were received from the residents and businesses regarding the noise, social disorder and the crime, especially at the weekends, due to the late-night licenses of the bars, cafes and restaurants along Old Compton Street, known as the high street of Soho (Roberts andTurner 2005).Other scholars have argued that Soho is losing its continental style of cafe culture since it is catering for commercial rather than social needs (Tiesdell and Oc 1998; Roberts and Turner 2005).