Kerreen Reiger and Rhea Dempsey have likened the support that women need in preparation for birth to the sort of support that is required when producing a creative theatrical performance or striving to achieve optimal performance in a sporting activity. In the late 1980s, in high-income countries, childbirth education gradually adopted less structured approaches to preparation for labour and birth than simply psychoprophylaxis. Although the authors' may have studied the principles of adult learning many of us have had few opportunities to learn about group facilitation. Traditionally, childbirth education classes have included practising slow breathing, relaxation and adopting different positions. In order to begin to appraise research around this subject we suggest you access the following articles: Box 4.24 Box 4.25. In pairs or small groups return to self-hypnosis in, where explore how we can support women in labour who have prepared using hypnobirthing methods. Whether or not we provide structured 'childbirth education during our professional and everyday lives.