The Routledge Student Guide to English Usage is an invaluable A–Z guide to the appropriate use of English in academic contexts.

The first part of the book covers approximately 4000 carefully selected words, focusing on groups of confusable words that sound alike, look alike or are frequently mixed up. The authors help to solve academic dilemmas, such as correct usage of the apostrophe and the crucial difference between infer and imply. Examples of good usage are drawn from corpora such as the British National Corpus and the Corpus of Contemporary American English.

The second part covers the key characteristics of formal English in a substantial reference section, comprising:

• stylistic features

• punctuation

• English grammar

• the use of numbers

• email writing.

This is the essential reference text for all students working on improving their academic writing skills. Visit the companion website for a range of supporting exercises: www.routledge.com/cw/clark.

letter A|31 pages


entry |2 pages

A, an

entry |2 pages

Abide, abode

entry |1 pages

Ability, capacity

entry |1 pages

Abnormal, subnormal

entry |1 pages

Aborigine, aboriginal

entry |2 pages

Abort, abortion, miscarriage

entry |1 pages

About, around, round

entry |1 pages

Above, above-mentioned, below (in reports)

entry |1 pages

Absorb, adsorb

entry |1 pages

Abstract, extract

entry |1 pages

Abuse, misuse

entry |1 pages

Abysmal, abyss, abyssal

entry |1 pages

Academic, scientist

entry |1 pages

Accent, accentuate

entry |1 pages

Accept, except

entry |2 pages

Access, excess, excessive

entry |1 pages

Accident, mishap, disaster, catastrophe

entry |1 pages

Accommodation, accommodations

entry |2 pages

Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, creative accountancy

entry |1 pages

Accumulate, cumulative, accumulative, acquisitive

entry |1 pages

Achieve, accomplish, attain

entry |1 pages

Acid, acrid, pungent

entry |1 pages

Acknowledge, admit

entry |2 pages

Acoustic, acoustical, acoustics

entry |1 pages

Acquaintance, friend

entry |1 pages

Across, above, over (positions)

entry |1 pages

Actual, topical, current

entry |1 pages

Acumen, acuity

entry |1 pages

Acute, chronic (medical uses)

entry |2 pages

Ad, BC, BCE, CE, BP, kya, mya

entry |1 pages

Adapt, adopt, adept

entry |1 pages

Adaptation, adoption

entry |1 pages

Adapter, adaptor

entry |1 pages

Addendum, addenda

entry |1 pages

Adhesion, adherence

entry |2 pages

Adjourn, postpone

entry |1 pages

Admission, admittance, admissible

entry |1 pages

Advantageous, beneficial

entry |1 pages

Adverse, averse

entry |1 pages

Advertisement, advertorial, documercial, infotainment

entry |2 pages

Advice, advise

entry |1 pages

Adviser, advisor

entry |1 pages

Aerial, antenna

entry |1 pages

Aesthetic, ascetic, acetic

entry |2 pages

Affectation, affection

entry |1 pages

Affiliation, affinity

entry |1 pages

Affront, effrontery

entry |1 pages

Afterwards, afterward, subsequently

entry |1 pages

Agenda, agendas, hidden agenda

entry |1 pages

Aggravate, exacerbate

entry |2 pages

Aggressive, forceful, vigorous

entry |1 pages

Ago, since, for

entry |1 pages

Agree, accede, acquiesce

entry |1 pages

Agreement, agrément, gentleman's agreement

entry |1 pages

Aid, aide (nouns)

entry |2 pages

Aim, objective, goal, target

entry |1 pages

Air-, aero-

entry |1 pages

Aircraft, aeroplane, airplane, airship

entry |1 pages

Airspace, aerospace

entry |1 pages

Alcohol, liquor, liqueur

entry |1 pages

Alleviate, assuage, ameliorate

entry |1 pages

Allocate, allot

entry |1 pages

Allow, permit

entry |1 pages

Allowance, permission

entry |1 pages

All ready, already

entry |1 pages

All right, alright

entry |1 pages

All together, altogether

entry |1 pages

Allude, elude

entry |2 pages

Alter, change, modify

entry |1 pages

Alternative, alternate

entry |1 pages

Although, even though, though

entry |1 pages

Aluminium, aluminum

entry |1 pages

Alumni, former student

entry |2 pages

Ambassador, legate

entry |1 pages

Ambivalent, ambiguous

entry |1 pages

Amend, emend, correct

entry |2 pages

America, (The) Americas, North America, Central America, Latin America, South America

entry |1 pages

Amiable, amicable

entry |1 pages

Amnesty, moratorium

entry |1 pages

Among(st), amid(st), between

entry |1 pages

Amoral, immoral

entry |1 pages

Amount of, number of

entry |1 pages

Anaesthetic, anaesthetics, analgesic

entry |1 pages

Analyse, analyze

entry |1 pages

Analyst, annalist

entry |1 pages

Ancient, antique, antiquated

entry |1 pages

And, ampersand

entry |1 pages

Angler, fisherman

entry |2 pages

Annals, anal

entry |1 pages

Annex, annexe

entry |1 pages

Annoy, exasperate, infuriate

entry |1 pages

Annual, perennial

entry |1 pages

Annul, cancel, invalidate, rescind

entry |1 pages

Anticipate, expect

entry |1 pages

Antisocial, unsocial, unsociable

entry |1 pages

Anxious, nervous, nervy, on edge

entry |1 pages

Any, some

entry |1 pages

Anyone/anybody, any one, someone/somebody

entry |1 pages

Any way, anyway

entry |1 pages

Anywhere, anyplace

entry |1 pages

Apparent, manifest

entry |1 pages

Appeal, plea

entry |1 pages

Appendix/appendices, appendix/appendixes

entry |1 pages

Appraise, apprise

entry |1 pages

Approve, authorize, empower

entry |1 pages

Approximately, approx.

entry |1 pages

A priori, a posteriori

entry |1 pages

Apt, liable

entry |1 pages

Arab, Arabia, Arabic, Arabian

entry |1 pages

Archaeology, archeology

entry |1 pages

Archetype, artefact, artifact

entry |1 pages

Argument, altercation

entry |1 pages

Arise, arouse, rouse

entry |1 pages

Arithmetical progression, geometrical progression

entry |1 pages

Artifice, cunning, crafty

entry |1 pages

Artificial, synthetic

entry |1 pages

Artist, artiste

entry |1 pages

Arts, humanities, liberal arts

entry |1 pages

-Ary, -ery, -ory

entry |1 pages

Ascent, ascension

entry |1 pages

Ashamed, embarrassed

entry |1 pages

Asian, Asiatic

entry |1 pages

Assent, consent

entry |1 pages

Assertion, allegation, claim

entry |1 pages

Assume, presume

entry |1 pages

Assurance, insurance

entry |1 pages

Assure, ensure, insure

entry |1 pages

Astronomy, astrology

entry |1 pages

Aura, aurora

entry |1 pages

Authentic, genuine

entry |1 pages

Author, authoress

entry |1 pages

Authoritarian, authoritative

entry |1 pages

Autism, Asperger's syndrome

entry |1 pages

Automatic, automated, mechanical

entry |1 pages

Autumn, fall (season)

entry |1 pages

Auxiliary, ancillary, accessory

entry |1 pages

Avenge, avenger, revenge, vengeance

entry |1 pages

Average, mean, median

entry |1 pages

Avert, hinder, inhibit, prevent

entry |1 pages

Avoid, evade

entry |1 pages

Avoidance, evasion

entry |1 pages

Axe, axis, axes

entry |1 pages

Aye, no (politics)

letter |22 pages


entry B|1 pages

Back-handed compliment, left-handed compliment

entry |1 pages

Backlog (in BE and AE)

entry |1 pages

Backside, back

entry |1 pages

Backward, backwards

entry |1 pages

Bacterium, bacteria

entry |1 pages

Bad, poor

entry |1 pages

Bait, bated

entry |1 pages

Balance, scales

entry |1 pages

Baleful, baneful

entry |1 pages

Ball game, state of affairs, state of play

entry |1 pages

Bandwagon, cause

entry |1 pages

Bank, left and right (of a river)

entry |1 pages

Banknote, bill

entry |1 pages

Barbaric, barbarous

entry |1 pages

Barely, hardly, scarcely

entry |1 pages

Base, bass

entry |1 pages

Basement, cellar

entry |1 pages

Basic, basal

entry |1 pages

Bath, bathe

entry |1 pages

Battle, struggle, fight

entry |1 pages

Beach, beech

entry |1 pages

Bear, carry

entry |1 pages

Bear market, bull market

entry |1 pages

Beaufort scale, Richter scale

entry |1 pages

Bedsit, studio

entry |1 pages

Beer, ale, lager

entry |1 pages

Begin, commence, start

entry |1 pages

Behaviour, behaviours

entry |1 pages

Belgium, Belgian

entry |1 pages

Belligerent, bellicose

entry |1 pages

Bereaved, bereft

entry |1 pages

Beside, besides

entry |1 pages

Best practice, benchmark

entry |1 pages

Between ... and, from ... to

entry |1 pages

Bi-, duo

entry |1 pages

Biannual, biennial, biennale

entry |1 pages

Bicentenary, bicentennial

entry |1 pages

Billion, billions, trillion

entry |1 pages

Birthday, date of birth

entry |1 pages

Bisect, dissect

entry |1 pages

Bit, byte (computer science)

entry |1 pages

Bizarre, bazaar

entry |1 pages

Black, African American, people of color, coloured, Negro

entry |1 pages

Blank cheque, carte blanche, free rein

entry |1 pages

Blatant, obvious

entry |1 pages

Bleach, blench, blanch, whiten

entry |1 pages

Blink, wink

entry |1 pages

Bloc, block

entry |1 pages

Blog, log

entry |1 pages

Blueprint, scheme

entry |1 pages

Blue-sky, hypothetical, horizon scanning

entry |1 pages

Blush, flush

entry |1 pages

Boat, ship

entry |1 pages

Bolder, boulder

entry |1 pages

Bona fide, bona fides

entry |1 pages

Border, bounds, boundary, frontier

entry |1 pages

Born, borne

entry |1 pages

Borrow, lend, loan

entry |1 pages

Bottom line, bottom out, rock bottom

entry |1 pages

Bottom-up, top-down, root and branch

entry |1 pages

Boyfriend, girlfriend

entry |1 pages

Boyish, girlish, girlie/girly

entry |1 pages

Brackets, parentheses

entry |1 pages

Brahman, Brahmin

entry |1 pages

Brake, break

entry |1 pages

Bravery, bravado

entry |1 pages

Breakdown, break down

entry |1 pages

Breast, bust, bosom, chest

entry |1 pages

Breath, breathe

entry |1 pages

Breech, breach

entry |1 pages

Brew, distil

entry |1 pages

Bribe, backhander, bung, blackmail

entry |1 pages

Bridal, bridle

entry |1 pages

Bring, take

entry |1 pages

Bring up, touch upon

entry |1 pages

Britain/Great Britain, England, United Kingdom/UK, British Isles

entry |4 pages

British, Briton, Britisher, Brit, English

entry |1 pages

Broach, brooch

entry |1 pages

Broad, broadly, wide, widely

entry |1 pages

Brother, brethren

entry |1 pages

Brought, bought

entry |1 pages

Buffet (noun and verb)

entry |1 pages

Bug, virus (computing terms)

entry |1 pages

Bungalow, ranch house

entry |1 pages

Burglary, housebreaking, breaking and entering

entry |1 pages

Burgle, rob, steal, thieve

entry |1 pages

Burial, funeral

entry |1 pages

Bury, berry

entry |1 pages

Bus, coach

entry |1 pages

Business, firm, enterprise, company, concern, undertaking

entry |1 pages

Button, icon, key (computing terms)

entry |1 pages

Buy, purchase

entry |1 pages

By, by-, bye

letter C|27 pages


entry |1 pages

Cache, cachet

entry |1 pages

Cafeteria, canteen

entry |1 pages

Calculus, calculuses, calculi

entry |1 pages

Calendar, calender

entry |1 pages

Callus, callous

entry |1 pages

Calm, tranquil

entry |1 pages

Campus, grounds (of universities)

entry |1 pages

Can1, could, may, might

entry |1 pages

Can2, tin (noun)

entry |1 pages

Canal, channel

entry |1 pages

Cancer, Cancer

entry |1 pages

Cantab, Oxon

entry |1 pages

Canvas, canvass

entry |1 pages

Capital, capitol

entry |1 pages

Capital punishment, corporal punishment

entry |1 pages

Carat, caret

entry |1 pages

Caravan, trailer, mobile home

entry |1 pages

Care about, care for

entry |1 pages

Career, vocation, profession

entry |1 pages

Careful, cautious, prudent

entry |1 pages

Careless, casual

entry |1 pages

Carousal, carousel

entry |1 pages

Case, instance

entry |1 pages

Cash card, charge card, credit card, debit card, store card

entry |1 pages

Cashier, teller

entry |1 pages

Cashmere, Kashmir

entry |1 pages

Cast, caste

entry |1 pages

Catholic, catholic

entry |1 pages

Catseyes, road reflectors, snow poles

entry |1 pages

Cc, bcc

entry |1 pages

Celibate, chaste

entry |1 pages

Celsius, centigrade

entry |1 pages

Celt, celtic

entry |1 pages

Censor, sensor, censer

entry |1 pages

Censure, censorship, criticism

entry |1 pages

Census, consensus

entry |1 pages

Centenary, centennial, century

entry |1 pages

Central reservation, median (roads)

entry |1 pages

Centre, center, middle

entry |1 pages

Centre in, centre on, revolve around

entry |1 pages

Ceremony, ceremonial, ceremonious

entry |1 pages

Cf., ref.

entry |1 pages

Chair, chairperson, chairman, chairwoman (meetings)

entry |1 pages

Charted, chartered, certified

entry |1 pages

Cheap, inexpensive

entry |1 pages

Childlike, childish

entry |1 pages

Chinese1, Chinaman

entry |1 pages

Chinese2, Pinyin (language)

entry |1 pages

Chord, cord

entry |1 pages

Choose, select, pick

entry |1 pages

Circa, c, ca

entry |1 pages

Civic, civics, civil

entry |1 pages

Clarification, elucidation

entry |1 pages

Classic, classical

entry |1 pages

Claustrophobia, agoraphobia

entry |1 pages

Clean, cleanse

entry |1 pages

Clergy, clergyman, priest, minister, vicar

entry |1 pages

Clerk, office staff

entry |1 pages

Click, clique

entry |1 pages

Client, clientele, customer, patron

entry |1 pages

Climatic, climactic

entry |1 pages

Climax, crescendo

entry |1 pages

Clock, watch

entry |1 pages

Close, near, nearby

entry |1 pages

Clothes, clothing, cloth

entry |1 pages

Coast, shore, seaside, littoral

entry |1 pages

Cohabit, live together, live-in

entry |1 pages

Coincide, conform, correspond

entry |1 pages

Comic, comical

entry |1 pages

Comment, commentary, commentate

entry |1 pages

Commission, Commission

entry |1 pages

Commit, committed, commitment, committal

entry |1 pages

Common, normal, ordinary

entry |1 pages

Common sense, commonsense

entry |1 pages

Communication, communications

entry |1 pages

Compare to, compare with

entry |1 pages

Compel, coerce

entry |1 pages

Compelling, compulsive

entry |1 pages

Competitor, concurrent

entry |1 pages

Complacent, complaisant, compliant

entry |1 pages

Complement, compliment

entry |1 pages

Complementary, complimentary

entry |1 pages

Compose, compile (artistic, literary work)

entry |1 pages

Comprehensive, comprehensible, understandable

entry |1 pages

Compulsory, mandatory, obligatory

entry |1 pages

Conduct (noun and verb)

entry |1 pages

Confidant(e), confident

entry |1 pages

Confine, contain

entry |1 pages

Congress, conference, symposium, seminar, workshop

entry |1 pages

Coniferous, carnivorous

entry |1 pages

Connections, relations

entry |1 pages

Connote, denote

entry |1 pages

Conservation, preservation

entry |1 pages

Conservative, conservative

entry |1 pages

Conservatory, conservatoire

entry |1 pages

Conserve, preserve

entry |1 pages

Consistent, consequent, subsequent

entry |1 pages

Consternation, worry

entry |1 pages

Constitute, comprise, consist

entry |1 pages

Contagious, infectious

entry |1 pages

Contemptible, contemptuous

entry |1 pages

Content, contents

entry |1 pages

Continuing education, further education

entry |1 pages

Continual, continuous

entry |2 pages

Contraceptive, condom, prophylactic

entry |1 pages

Contrastive, distinctive, distinct

entry |1 pages

Control, check

entry |1 pages

Convince, persuade

entry |1 pages

Cooperate, collaborate, collude

entry |1 pages

Cooperation, corporation

entry |1 pages

Coordinate, coordinates

entry |1 pages

Co-respondent, correspondent

entry |1 pages

Corn, sweetcorn, maize

entry |1 pages

Corpse, corps

entry |1 pages

Cost–benefit, cost-effective

entry |1 pages

Council, counsel

entry |1 pages

Councillor, counsellor

entry |1 pages

Country, state

entry |1 pages

Cracker, cookie, biscuit

entry |1 pages

-Crat, -cratic

entry |1 pages

Crawl, creep

entry |1 pages

Credible, credulous

entry |1 pages

Creditable, commendable, praiseworthy

entry |1 pages

Crevasse, crevice

entry |1 pages

Crisis, crises

entry |1 pages

Criterion, criteria

entry |1 pages

Critic, critique

entry |1 pages

Critical, crucial

entry |1 pages

Cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary

entry |1 pages

Crotch, crutch

entry |1 pages

Curb, kerb

entry |1 pages

Currant, current

entry |1 pages

Curriculum, syllabus

entry |1 pages

Curriculum vitae, résumé

entry |1 pages

Cursor, mouse pointer

entry |1 pages

Cyclic, cyclical

entry |1 pages

Cynic, sceptic, sceptical, septic

letter D|14 pages


entry |1 pages

Damage, damages, compensation

entry |1 pages

Data, datum

entry |1 pages

Day, daytime, 24 hours, 24/7, round-the-clock

entry |1 pages

Deadly, deathly, mortal, lethal

entry |1 pages

Deca-, deci-

entry |1 pages

Decade, ten years

entry |1 pages

Deception, deceit

entry |1 pages

Deceptive, deceitful

entry |1 pages

Decide, determine, resolve

entry |1 pages

De facto, de jure

entry |1 pages

Defect, defection

entry |1 pages

Defective, deficient

entry |1 pages

Defence, defense

entry |1 pages

(The) defence, (the) prosecution (law)

entry |1 pages

Definite, definitive

entry |1 pages

Deflation, devaluation

entry |1 pages

Defuse, diffuse

entry |1 pages

Degree, diploma, certificate

entry |1 pages

Deliberate, consider

entry |1 pages

Deliverables, delivery

entry |1 pages

Demand, demands

entry |1 pages

Demonstration, protest

entry |1 pages

Demure, demur

entry |1 pages

Department, division (parts of organizations)

entry |1 pages

Dependant, dependent, independent

entry |1 pages

Depreciate, deprecate, deplore

entry |1 pages

Derisive, derisory

entry |1 pages

Descendant, descendent

entry |1 pages

Desert, deserts, dessert

entry |1 pages

Destiny, fate, providence

entry |1 pages

Develop, exploit

entry |1 pages

Device, devise

entry |1 pages

Diagnose, diagnosis

entry |1 pages

Diagram, technical drawing

entry |1 pages

Dichotomy, paradox, contradiction

entry |1 pages

Different, various

entry |1 pages

Dilemma, predicament, quandary, Hobson's choice

entry |1 pages

Dinner jacket, tuxedo

entry |1 pages

Disabled, crippled, handicapped, invalid

entry |1 pages

Disburse, disperse

entry |1 pages

Disc, disk

entry |1 pages

Discount, reduction, rebate

entry |1 pages

Discreet, discrete

entry |1 pages

Discrepancy, disparity, imbalance

entry |1 pages

Discriminate, discrimination, discriminating

entry |1 pages

Disguise, guise

entry |1 pages

Disinterested, uninterested

entry |1 pages

Dismantle, demolish

entry |1 pages

Dismiss, fire, sack, notice (give someone notice)

entry |1 pages

Dispersal, dispersion

entry |1 pages

Dispose of, disposal

entry |1 pages

Disprove, disapprove

entry |1 pages

Dissolve, melt

entry |1 pages

Distract, divert, detract

entry |1 pages

Distress, hardship

entry |1 pages

Distrust, mistrust

entry |1 pages

Diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular

entry |1 pages

Dock, berth, wharf

entry |1 pages

Double meaning, double entendre

entry |1 pages

Download, upload

entry |1 pages

Draught, draft

entry |1 pages

Draughts, checkers

entry |1 pages

Drinkable, potable

entry |1 pages

Dryer, drier

entry |1 pages

Dual, duel

entry |1 pages

Dye, die, dice

letter E|20 pages


entry |1 pages

Each, every, both

entry |1 pages

Earnings, income, revenue

entry |1 pages

Earth, ground, soil

entry |1 pages

Earth Science, Natural Science, Life Sciences, Physical Science

entry |1 pages

East, eastern

entry |1 pages

Eastward, eastwards, easterly, eastbound

entry |1 pages

Easy, easily, facile

entry |1 pages

Eatable, edible

entry |1 pages

Ebb, flood, flow, ebb and flow

entry |1 pages

Eclipse, ellipse, ellipsis

entry |1 pages

Economics, economic, economical, economically, economy

entry |1 pages

Edit, redact

entry |1 pages

Effect, affect

entry |1 pages

Effective, efficient

entry |1 pages

E.g., for example, for instance, i.e.

entry |1 pages

Egoism, egotism

entry |1 pages

Elapse, lapse

entry |1 pages

Elder/eldest, older/oldest

entry |1 pages

Election, vote, ballot

entry |1 pages

Electric, electrical, electronic, electrifying

entry |1 pages

Eliminate, abolish

entry |1 pages

El Niño, La Niña

entry |1 pages

Email, e-business, e-cash, e-commerce, E-number, e-petition

entry |1 pages

Email address, email harvesting

entry |1 pages

Embarrass, harass

entry |1 pages

Embassy, consulate, legation

entry |1 pages

Embed, entrench

entry |1 pages

Emigrant, émigré, immigrant, migrant

entry |1 pages

Eminent, imminent

entry |1 pages

Eminently, imminently

entry |1 pages

Emotional, emotive

entry |1 pages

Employ, take on

entry |1 pages

Empty, hollow

entry |1 pages

Emulate, imitate

entry |1 pages

En, en-1 (French loan words)

entry |1 pages

En-2, em- (verb prefixes)

entry |1 pages

Endeavour, strive, try

entry |1 pages

Endemic, epidemic, pandemic

entry |1 pages

Endorse, endorsement

entry |1 pages

Endow, donate

entry |1 pages

Enemy, enmity

entry |1 pages

Enervate, energize

entry |1 pages

Enfold, embrace

entry |1 pages

Engineer, contrive (verbs)

entry |1 pages

Enormity, magnitude

entry |1 pages

Enough, adequate, sufficient

entry |1 pages

Enquire, inquire

entry |1 pages

Enquiry, inquiry

entry |1 pages

Entity, entirety

entry |1 pages

Entomology, etymology

entry |1 pages

Entrance, enthral, bewitch

entry |1 pages

Entrepreneur, undertaker

entry |1 pages

Envelop, envelope

entry |1 pages

Envious, enviable

entry |1 pages

Environment, milieu, surroundings, setting, background

entry |1 pages

Envisage, envision

entry |1 pages

Envoy, emissary

entry |1 pages

Episode, event, happening, incident, occurrence

entry |1 pages

Epitaph, epithet

entry |1 pages

Epitome, embodiment

entry |1 pages

Equal, more equal

entry |1 pages

Equinox, solstice

entry |1 pages

Equitable, fair, just

entry |1 pages

Era, epoch, aeon, age

entry |1 pages

Erase, eradicate, delete

entry |1 pages

Eraser, rubber

entry |1 pages

Errant, arrant

entry |1 pages

Eschatological, scatological

entry |1 pages

Especial, special

entry |1 pages

Especially, specially

entry |1 pages

Essential, vital, imperative, important

entry |1 pages

Estate (car), station wagon

entry |1 pages

Estimate, ballpark figure

entry |1 pages

Et al., co-worker, colleague

entry |1 pages

Ethic, ethics

entry |1 pages

Euphemism, euphoria

entry |1 pages

Euphony, cacophony

entry |1 pages

Euro, Euro-, EUR

entry |1 pages

Evacuate, abandon

entry |1 pages

Eventually, eventual, eventuality

entry |1 pages

Everyday, every day, daily

entry |1 pages

Everyone/everybody, every one, every body

entry |1 pages

Everything, every thing

entry |1 pages

Everywhere, everyplace

entry |1 pages

Evidence, testimony

entry |1 pages

Examination, exam (education)

entry |1 pages

Examine, scrutinize

entry |1 pages

Exceed, surpass

entry |1 pages

Excellent, excellence, Excellency

entry |1 pages

Exceptional, extraordinary

entry |1 pages

Exclude, bar

entry |1 pages

Executive, executioner, executor, executant

entry |1 pages

Expense, expenditure

entry |1 pages

Experience, experiences

entry |1 pages

Experiential, experimental

entry |1 pages

Expertise, proficiency, skill, competence, competency

entry |1 pages

Explain, elucidate, clarify

entry |1 pages

Exponential, logarithmic, arithmetic

entry |1 pages

Exposé, exposition, exhibition

entry |1 pages

Extant, extinct

entry |1 pages

Extempore, impromptu

entry |1 pages

Extensive, extended

entry |1 pages

External student, auditor (education)

entry |1 pages

Extracurricular, extramural, extension (education)

letter F|12 pages


entry |1 pages

Facility, faculty

entry |1 pages

Fact, in fact, the fact is, as a matter of fact

entry |1 pages

Failing, failure

entry |1 pages

Familiar, familial

entry |1 pages

Fanatic, fanatical, fanaticism

entry |1 pages

Far away, faraway

entry |1 pages

Farther/farthest, further/furthest

entry |1 pages

Fashion statement, fashion-forward

entry |1 pages

Fatal, fateful

entry |1 pages

Fault, mistake, error, malfunction

entry |1 pages

Feedback, response

entry |1 pages

Female, feminine

entry |1 pages

Ferment, foment

entry |1 pages

Few, a few, several, many

entry |1 pages

Fewer, less

entry |1 pages

Fiancé, fiancée

entry |1 pages

Field, area, discipline, subject (education)

entry |1 pages

File, folder, binder (office terms)

entry |1 pages

Finance, fund, funding

entry |1 pages

Financial, fiscal, monetary

entry |1 pages

Find out, ascertain

entry |1 pages

First name, forename, Christian name, given name

entry |1 pages

Fish, fishes

entry |1 pages

Flagrant, fragrant

entry |1 pages

Flair, flare

entry |1 pages

Float, drift

entry |1 pages

Floor, ground, storey, story

entry |1 pages

Flotsam, jetsam

entry |1 pages

Fluent, fluid

entry |1 pages

Fluorescence, phosphorescence

entry |1 pages

Focus, focuses, foci

entry |1 pages

Folk, folks

entry |1 pages

Font, character (typography)

entry |1 pages

Foot, feet

entry |1 pages

Foreword, preface

entry |1 pages

Formally, formerly

entry |1 pages

Former, latter

entry |1 pages

Formula, formulas, formulae

entry |1 pages

Fortnight, two weeks

entry |1 pages

Fortnightly, semi-monthly, bimonthly

entry |1 pages

Fortunate, fortuitous

entry |1 pages

Forum, forums, fora

entry |1 pages

Founder, flounder

entry |1 pages

Frail, fragile, delicate

entry |1 pages

Frame, framework

entry |1 pages

Free, freely

entry |1 pages

Freight, goods, cargo

entry |1 pages

Freshman, fresher, sophomore, junior, senior (education)

entry |1 pages

Fringe benefit, perk

entry |1 pages

Fruitful, fertile

entry |1 pages

Fruitless, hopeless

entry |1 pages

Fulfil, fulfill

letter G|7 pages


entry |1 pages

Gaelic, Gallic, French

entry |1 pages

Gasp, gape, yawn

entry |1 pages

Gay, homosexual, lesbian

entry |1 pages

Genial, congenial

entry |1 pages

Genius, genus

entry |1 pages

German, Germanic, germane

entry |1 pages

Gesticulate, gesture

entry |1 pages

Get, got, gotten

entry |1 pages

Geyser, geezer

entry |1 pages

Gild, guild

entry |1 pages

Gilt, guilt

entry |1 pages

Gluttonous, glutinous

entry |1 pages

Golden handshake, golden handcuffs, golden hello, golden parachute

entry |1 pages

Goodbye, good day

entry |1 pages

Gorilla, guerrilla

entry |1 pages

Gourmet, gourmand, glutton

entry |1 pages

Government, administration

entry |1 pages

Governor, governess

entry |1 pages

Gracious, graceful

entry |1 pages

Graffiti, the writing on the wall

entry |1 pages

Grandiloquent, garrulous, eloquent, loquacious

entry |1 pages

Gravy, sauce

entry |1 pages

Great-grandfather, great grandfather

entry |1 pages

Greek, Grecian, Graeco-

entry |1 pages

Grill, grille, grilling, roasting

entry |1 pages

Groin, groyne

entry |1 pages

Group, holding company, subsidiary, parent company, sister company

entry |1 pages

Groupie, hanger-on, stalker

entry |1 pages

Guarantee, warranty, guarantor

entry |1 pages

Guardian, custodian

entry |1 pages

Gypsy, Gipsy, Romany

letter H|9 pages


entry |1 pages

Habit, habits, habitat

entry |1 pages

Habitable, inhabitable, uninhabitable

entry |1 pages

Half, halve

entry |1 pages

Handicraft, handiwork, handwork

entry |1 pages

Handsome, pretty

entry |1 pages

Hangar, hanger

entry |1 pages

Hanged, hung

entry |1 pages

Harmonious, harmonic, harmonize

entry |1 pages

Head of state, head of government

entry |1 pages

Height, altitude

entry |1 pages

Heighten, intensify

entry |1 pages

Heir, successor

entry |1 pages

Hesitancy, hesitation

entry |1 pages

High, highly, tall

entry |1 pages

Hinduism, Hindu, Hindi

entry |1 pages

Hire, rent, lease, let

entry |1 pages

Historic, historical

entry |1 pages

Hoard, horde

entry |1 pages

Home, hone

entry |1 pages

Homo, homo-

entry |1 pages

Homogeneous, homogenous

entry |1 pages

Homograph, homonym, homophone

entry |1 pages

Horrifying, horrendous, horrific

entry |1 pages

Host, hostess

entry |1 pages

House, home, building

entry |1 pages

Housewife, househusband, homemaker

entry |1 pages

However, how ever

entry |1 pages

Human, humane

entry |1 pages

Humanism, humanitarian, humanity

entry |1 pages

Humble, modest

entry |1 pages

Humility, humiliation

entry |1 pages

Humour, humorous

entry |1 pages

Hundred, hundreds

entry |1 pages

Hurdle, hurtle

entry |1 pages

Hurricane, typhoon, tornado, cyclone

entry |1 pages

Husbandry, farming

entry |1 pages

Hydrofoil, hovercraft

entry |1 pages

Hyper-, hypo-

entry |1 pages

Hyperbole, exaggeration

entry |1 pages

Hypercritical, hypocritical

entry |1 pages

Hypothesis, hypotheses

letter I|17 pages


entry |1 pages

I, me

entry |1 pages

Iberia, Iberian

entry |1 pages

Idle, idol

entry |1 pages

Idolize, venerate, revere

entry |1 pages

Ill, sick

entry |1 pages

Illegible, unreadable, illiterate

entry |1 pages

Illicit, elicit

entry |1 pages

Illusion, allusion, delusion

entry |1 pages

Imaginary, imaginative, fanciful

entry |1 pages

Immerse, submerge

entry |1 pages

Immobile, immovable, irremovable

entry |1 pages

Immorality, immortality

entry |1 pages

Immunity, impunity

entry |1 pages

Impediment, impedimenta

entry |1 pages

Impel, propel

entry |1 pages

Imperious, arrogant, haughty

entry |1 pages

Implement, carry out, execute

entry |1 pages

Implication, inference

entry |1 pages

Implicit, explicit

entry |1 pages

Imply, infer

entry |1 pages

Impossible, improbable

entry |1 pages

Impotent, infertile

entry |1 pages

Impractical, impracticable

entry |1 pages

Impudent, impertinent

entry |1 pages

Impulsive, impetuous

entry |1 pages

Impute, attribute

entry |1 pages

Inability, unable

entry |1 pages

Inch, inches

entry |1 pages

Incredible, incredulous

entry |1 pages

Index, indexes, indices

entry |1 pages

Industry, industrial, industrious

entry |1 pages

Inept, inapt, unapt

entry |1 pages

Inequality, inequity, iniquity, injustice

entry |1 pages

Inexplicable, unfathomable

entry |1 pages

Infamous, notorious

entry |1 pages

Inflammable, flammable, non-flammable

entry |1 pages

Inflict, afflict

entry |1 pages

Inflow, influx

entry |1 pages

Influence, impact

entry |1 pages

Informant, informer

entry |1 pages

Information, news

entry |1 pages

Ingenious, ingenuous, ingénue

entry |1 pages

Inherent, intrinsic

entry |1 pages

Inheritance, heritage, heredity

entry |1 pages

Inheritance tax (BE), estate tax (AE)

entry |1 pages

Inhuman, inhumane

entry |1 pages

In-law, in-laws

entry |1 pages

Innovation, invention, discovery

entry |1 pages

Innovative, new

entry |1 pages

Innuendo, insinuation

entry |1 pages

Innumerable, numerous

entry |1 pages

Innumerate, enumerate

entry |1 pages

Insane, mad, neurotic, paranoid

entry |1 pages

Insight, incite

entry |1 pages

Institute, institution, institutionalize

entry |1 pages

Instruction, instructions

entry |1 pages

Insulate, isolate

entry |1 pages

Intelligent, intellectual

entry |1 pages

Intense, intensive

entry |1 pages

Inter, intern

entry |1 pages

Inter-, intra-

entry |1 pages

Interface, connection

entry |1 pages

Interment, internment

entry |1 pages

Intermission, interval

entry |1 pages

Interstate, intestate

entry |1 pages

Into, in to

entry |1 pages

Intolerable, intolerant

entry |1 pages

Inuit, Eskimo

entry |1 pages

Inundate, overwhelm

entry |1 pages

Invasive, non-invasive

entry |1 pages

Invitation, invite

entry |1 pages

Involve, implicate

entry |1 pages

Ionic, Ionic

entry |1 pages

Iran, Iranian

entry |1 pages

Iraq, Iraqi

entry |1 pages

Irish, Eire, Hibernian

entry |1 pages

Iron, ion

entry |1 pages

Irreligious, non-religious, sacrilegious

entry |1 pages

Irreparable, unrepairable

entry |1 pages

Islam, Muslim, Muhammadan, Islamism, Islamist

entry |1 pages

Isle, aisle

entry |1 pages

Israeli, Israelite, Jew, Jewish, Judaism, Hebrew

entry |1 pages

Italics, italic, italicize

entry |2 pages

Its, it's

letter J|2 pages


entry |1 pages

Jail, gaol

entry |1 pages

Jibe, gybe

entry |1 pages

Journal, periodical

entry |1 pages

Judgement, judgment

entry |1 pages

Judicial, judicious

entry |1 pages

Junction, juncture

entry |1 pages

Junior doctor, house officer

entry |1 pages

Junior school, junior high school, high school, junior college

entry |1 pages

Juror, jurist

entry |1 pages

Jurisdiction, jurisprudence

entry |1 pages

Juvenile, puerile

letter K|2 pages


entry |1 pages

Key, quay

entry |1 pages

Key in, type in, enter, overwrite

entry |1 pages

Kickback, kickoff

entry |1 pages

Kind of/sort of, type of

entry |1 pages

Knell, knoll

entry |1 pages

Knifes, knives

entry |1 pages

Knot, miles per hour, metres per second

entry |1 pages

Knowledge, wisdom

letter L|9 pages


entry |1 pages

Landward, landwards

entry |1 pages

Lane, carriageway (roads)

entry |1 pages

Large, big, considerable, significant, substantial

entry |1 pages

Latitude, longitude

entry |1 pages

Laudable, laudatory

entry |1 pages

Lead, led

entry |1 pages

Leak, leek

entry |1 pages

Learned, learnt

entry |1 pages

Learning difficulty, mental handicap, special needs

entry |1 pages

Leave, holiday, vacation, recess

entry |1 pages

Lecturer, senior lecturer, don

entry |1 pages

Left, left-hand, left-handed

entry |1 pages

Legal, lawful, legitimate

entry |1 pages

Legislation, legislature, legislative

entry |1 pages

Levee, levy

entry |1 pages

Libel, slander

entry |1 pages

Licence, license, permit

entry |1 pages

Lie1, lay, laid

entry |1 pages

Lie2, economical with the truth, window dressing

entry |1 pages

Lift, elevator

entry |1 pages

Light1, illuminate

entry |1 pages

Light2, lite

entry |1 pages

Lightning, lightening

entry |1 pages

Limit, delimit

entry |1 pages

Linage, lineage

entry |1 pages

Linguistic, linguistics

entry |1 pages

Liquid, liquidate, liquidize, liquefy

entry |1 pages

Literal, literally, verbatim

entry |1 pages

Literate, numerate, computerate

entry |1 pages

Little, small

entry |1 pages

Livid, lurid

entry |1 pages

Llama, lama

entry |1 pages

Loath, loathe

entry |1 pages

Local, locale

entry |1 pages

Locality, location

entry |1 pages

Loch, lough, firth, fjord

entry |1 pages

Loose, loosen, lose

entry |1 pages

Lorry, truck, juggernaut

entry |1 pages

Loud, loudly, aloud

entry |1 pages

Luxuriant, luxurious

entry |1 pages

Lyric, lyrics, lyrical

letter M|14 pages


entry |1 pages

Madam, ma'am, madame, mesdames, lady

entry |1 pages

Major, central, prime

entry |1 pages

Majority, plurality

entry |1 pages

Male, masculine, macho

entry |1 pages

Man, gentleman

entry |1 pages

Manager, management, supervisor

entry |1 pages

Managing director, CEO, president

entry |1 pages

Mania, phobia

entry |1 pages

Manner, manor

entry |1 pages

Mantel, mantle

entry |1 pages

Map, chart

entry |1 pages

Marginal, marginally, slight, slightly

entry |1 pages

Marine, maritime

entry |1 pages

Marital, nuptial

entry |1 pages

Mark, grade (education)

entry |1 pages

Mark, marque (vehicles)

entry |1 pages

Martial, marshal

entry |1 pages

Massacre, decimate, exterminate

entry |1 pages

Masterly, masterful

entry |1 pages

Mate, guy

entry |1 pages

Material, matériel

entry |1 pages

Mathematics, maths, math

entry |1 pages

Matrix, matrices

entry |1 pages

Maximum, minimum, maximal, minimal

entry |1 pages

May be, maybe, perhaps

entry |1 pages

Means (singular and plural)

entry |1 pages

Meantime, meanwhile

entry |1 pages

Measles, German measles, mumps

entry |1 pages

Meddle, interfere

entry |1 pages

Media, medium

entry |1 pages

Medical, medicinal

entry |1 pages

Medieval, middle age, Middle Ages

entry |1 pages

Mediocre, middle-of-the-road, second-rate

entry |1 pages

Meeting, rendezvous, appointment

entry |1 pages

Menu bar, drop-down menu

entry |1 pages

Meritorious, meretricious

entry |1 pages

Metal, mettle

entry |1 pages

Method, methodology, Methodist

entry |1 pages

Metre, meter

entry |1 pages

Micrometer, micrometre

entry |1 pages

Mil., milli-, kilo-

entry |1 pages

Mile, light year

entry |1 pages

Millennium, millenary, millinery

entry |1 pages

Million, millions

entry |1 pages

Miner, minor

entry |1 pages

Minister, secretary (political)

entry |1 pages

Minute, minutes

entry |1 pages

Mist, fog, smog

entry |1 pages

Mitigate, militate

entry |1 pages

Mobile1, cellphone (telephone)

entry |1 pages

Mobile2, movable

entry |1 pages

Molten, melted

entry |1 pages

Moment, momentary, momentarily

entry |1 pages

Monologue, soliloquy

entry |1 pages

Moonlight, moonlit, moonshine

entry |1 pages

Moral, morals, morale

entry |1 pages

Morph, merge

entry |1 pages

Most of, all of

entry |1 pages

Motif, motive

entry |1 pages

Mountain, hill

entry |1 pages

Moose, mousse, elk

entry |1 pages

Mr, Ms, Mrs

entry |1 pages

Murder, manslaughter, homicide

entry |1 pages

Mute, moot

entry |1 pages

Mutual, reciprocal

entry |1 pages

Mysterious, enigmatic

entry |1 pages

Mystical, mystique

letter N|7 pages


entry |1 pages

Naked, nude, bare

entry |1 pages

Namely, viz., videlicet

entry |1 pages

Native, indigenous

entry |1 pages

Native American, American Indian, Red Indian, redskin

entry |1 pages

Naturalist, naturist

entry |1 pages

Nature reserve, national park, reservation

entry |1 pages

Nauseous, nauseated

entry |1 pages

Naval, navel

entry |1 pages

Nb, sic

entry |1 pages

Negligible, negligent

entry |1 pages

Neighbourhood, vicinity

entry |1 pages

Netherlands, Holland, Low Countries, Dutch, Flemish

entry |1 pages

Nice, delightful

entry |1 pages

Niceness, nicety

entry |1 pages

No-go area, dead zone

entry |1 pages

Non-availability, non-existence

entry |1 pages

No one, none, nobody, nonentity

entry |1 pages

Nor, or

entry |1 pages

North, northern

entry |1 pages

Northerly, northward, northwards, northbound

entry |1 pages

Notable, noteworthy, noticeable, prominent

entry |1 pages

Note, notice, message, memo, memorandum

entry |1 pages

A number of, the number of, amount

entry |1 pages

Numerator, denominator

entry |1 pages

Nutritionist, dietitian

entry |1 pages

Nutritious, nutritional

letter O|7 pages


entry |1 pages

Obnoxious, noxious

entry |1 pages

Observation, observance

entry |1 pages

Obsolescent, obsolete

entry |1 pages

Obstinate, obdurate, stubborn, determined

entry |1 pages

Occupy, preoccupy

entry |1 pages

Octopus, octopuses

entry |1 pages

Odorous, odious

entry |1 pages

Offence, offensive

entry |1 pages

Official, officious

entry |1 pages

Old, aged, elderly

entry |1 pages

On behalf of ... /on someone's behalf, on the part of ... / on someone's part

entry |1 pages

On, upon

entry |1 pages

Ones, one's

entry |1 pages

One-sided, lopsided

entry |1 pages

On to, onto

entry |1 pages

Onward, onwards

entry |1 pages

Op. cit., ibid.

entry |1 pages

Opinion, view, point of view

entry |1 pages

Opportunity, possibility, chance

entry |1 pages

Optic, optics

entry |1 pages

Optician, optical

entry |1 pages

Optional, voluntary

entry |1 pages

Opus, opera

entry |1 pages

-Or, -our spellings

entry |1 pages

Ordinance, ordnance

entry |1 pages

Orient, oriental

entry |1 pages

Orphan, fatherless, motherless

entry |1 pages

Ostensible, ostensive

entry |1 pages

Outdoor, outdoors

entry |1 pages

Outstanding, unpaid

entry |1 pages

Outward, outwards

entry |1 pages

Overestimate, underestimate

entry |1 pages

Overflow, overfly

entry |1 pages

Overlook, oversee

entry |1 pages

Oversight, overview

entry |1 pages

Overtone, undertone

entry |1 pages

Oxbridge, Ivy League

letter P|26 pages


entry |1 pages

P., pp. (pages)

entry |1 pages

Pack, package, packet

entry |1 pages

Pair, couple

entry |1 pages

Palate, palette, pallet

entry |1 pages

Paradigm shift, step change

entry |1 pages

Paraffin, kerosene

entry |1 pages

Parameter, perimeter

entry |1 pages

Paramount, supreme

entry |1 pages

Part (adverb), partial, partially, partly

entry |1 pages

Part (noun), portion, share

entry |1 pages

Partner, spouse

entry |1 pages

Party, side (in agreements, conflicts)

entry |1 pages

Pass, past

entry |1 pages

Pastoral, pastorale

entry |1 pages

Patent, patently

entry |1 pages

Pathetic, bathetic

entry |1 pages

Pathos, bathos

entry |1 pages

Patience, patients, patient

entry |1 pages

Patriot, compatriot, expatriate

entry |1 pages

Pavement, sidewalk

entry |1 pages

Pay, salary, wage

entry |1 pages

Payment, repayment, remittance, settlement

entry |1 pages

Peace, piece

entry |1 pages

Peaceful, peaceable

entry |1 pages

Peal, peel

entry |1 pages

Pedal, peddle

entry |1 pages

Pedlar, peddler

entry |1 pages

Pederast, paedophile, paediatrician

entry |1 pages

Pedestrian, unimaginative

entry |1 pages

Pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing, pelican crossing, crosswalk

entry |1 pages

Peek, peak

entry |1 pages

Peer, pier

entry |1 pages

Peer review, peer pressure

entry |1 pages

Peer-to-peer, client-server

entry |1 pages

Pendant, pendent

entry |1 pages

Pending, back burner

entry |1 pages

Peninsula, peninsular

entry |1 pages

Penny, pence

entry |1 pages

Pension, board, American plan (accommodation)

entry |1 pages

Pensioner, senior citizen

entry |1 pages

Per, pr

entry |1 pages

Per annum, per capita, per diem

entry |1 pages

Per cent, percentage

entry |1 pages

Perfect, more than perfect

entry |1 pages

Permissible, permissive

entry |1 pages

Perpendicular, vertical

entry |1 pages

Perpetuate, perpetrate

entry |1 pages

Persecute, prosecute

entry |1 pages

Person, people, peoples

entry |1 pages

Persona, façade

entry |1 pages

Personal, personnel

entry |1 pages

Perspective, prospective

entry |1 pages

Perverse, pervert

entry |1 pages

Petite, petit, petty

entry |1 pages

Petrol, gas, gasoline, diesel

entry |1 pages

Phase, faze

entry |1 pages

Phenomenon, phenomena

entry |1 pages

Philippines, Filipino, Filipina

entry |1 pages

Phishing, computer fraud

entry |1 pages

Phone, call, ring

entry |1 pages

Phosphorus, phosphorous

entry |1 pages

Physician, physicist

entry |1 pages

Physics, physique

entry |1 pages

Picaresque, picturesque

entry |1 pages

Pidgin, pigeon, dove

entry |1 pages

Pin, chip and PIN

entry |1 pages

Pincers, pliers

entry |1 pages

Pitiful, pitiable, piteous

entry |1 pages

Place, put

entry |1 pages

Plagiarism, reverse engineering

entry |1 pages

Plain, plane

entry |1 pages

Plan, planning

entry |1 pages

Plaster, cement, concrete, mortar

entry |1 pages

Platform, bay, gate (transport)

entry |1 pages

Plc, Ltd

entry |1 pages

Plea bargaining, turn state's evidence

entry |1 pages

Please find enclosed ... , enclosed please find

entry |1 pages

Plough, plow

entry |1 pages

Poison, intoxicate

entry |1 pages

Pole, poll

entry |1 pages

Politic, body politic

entry |1 pages

Political, politics, policy

entry |1 pages

Pollute, contaminate

entry |1 pages

Popular, trendy

entry |1 pages

Populous, populace, population

entry |1 pages

Pore, pour

entry |1 pages

Port, harbour

entry |1 pages

Portable, transportable

entry |1 pages

Post1, mail

entry |1 pages

Position, post2, job (occupations)

entry |1 pages

Positive, negative

entry |1 pages

Potent, strong

entry |1 pages

Pound, lb, ounce

entry |1 pages

P.p., signed by

entry |1 pages

Practical, practicable

entry |1 pages

Practice, practise, practitioner

entry |1 pages

Prairie, pampas, savanna(h), steppe, veld(t)

entry |1 pages

Precedence, precedent

entry |1 pages

Preceding, earlier

entry |1 pages

Precipitate, precipitous

entry |1 pages

Precise, accurate

entry |1 pages

Precision, accuracy

entry |1 pages

Premature, immature

entry |1 pages

Premier, premiere

entry |1 pages

Premise, premises

entry |1 pages

Prescribe, proscribe

entry |1 pages

Prescription, proscription

entry |1 pages

Pressure, stress

entry |1 pages

Prestige, kudos

entry |1 pages

Pretentious, portentous

entry |1 pages

Pretext, excuse

entry |1 pages

Prevaricate, procrastinate

entry |1 pages

Primeval, primitive

entry |1 pages

Principle, principal

entry |1 pages

Private school, public school

entry |1 pages

Prize, prise

entry |1 pages

Pro, con

entry |1 pages

Proceed, precede

entry |1 pages

Procedure, proceeding, proceedings

entry |1 pages

Prodigy, progeny

entry |1 pages

Product, produce, fabricate

entry |1 pages

Professor, chair

entry |1 pages

Profit & loss account, balance sheet

entry |1 pages

Prognosis, prediction, forecast

entry |1 pages

Programme, program

entry |1 pages

Prohibit, forbid

entry |1 pages

Prone, supine

entry |1 pages

Pronounce, pronunciation

entry |1 pages

Propaganda, publicity

entry |1 pages

Propellant, propellent

entry |1 pages

Prophecy, prophesy

entry |1 pages

Prophet, seer

entry |1 pages

Proposal, proposition

entry |1 pages

Prostrate, prostate

entry |1 pages

Proved, proven

entry |1 pages

Ps., PPS.

entry |1 pages

Public, audience, congregation, spectators, onlookers

entry |1 pages

Public holiday, bank holiday

entry |1 pages

Punctual, punctilious

entry |1 pages

Purposely, purposefully

letter Q|2 pages


entry |1 pages

Quality assurance, quality control

entry |1 pages

Quarter, fourth, forth

entry |1 pages

Quash, squash

entry |1 pages

Quasi, quasi-

entry |1 pages

Queer, strange, odd

entry |1 pages

Quilt, eiderdown, duvet

entry |1 pages

Quite, quiet

entry |1 pages

Quotation, quote, quota

letter R|18 pages


entry |1 pages

Racket, racque

entry |1 pages

Radio, wireless

entry |1 pages

Radius, radii

entry |1 pages

Railway, railways, railroad

entry |1 pages

Rain, drizzle, hail

entry |1 pages

Rain check, defer

entry |1 pages

Rainfall, precipitation

entry |1 pages

Rapt, wrapped

entry |1 pages

Rare, rarely, seldom

entry |1 pages

Rather, fairly

entry |1 pages

Ravage, ravish

entry |1 pages

Raw material, commodity

entry |1 pages

Re, re-

entry |1 pages

Read, skim, study, peruse

entry |1 pages

Readable, legible

entry |1 pages

Real, really, true, truly

entry |1 pages

Reality, realty

entry |1 pages

Rearward, rearwards

entry |1 pages

Reason, grounds, cause

entry |1 pages

Rebound, redound

entry |1 pages

Receipt, receipts

entry |1 pages

Recent, last, latest

entry |1 pages

Reconcile, settle

entry |1 pages

Record, register, registration

entry |1 pages

Recount, retell

entry |1 pages

Recover, re-cover

entry |1 pages

Recreation, recreate

entry |1 pages

Redbrick university, plateglass university

entry |1 pages

Redecorate, restore, refurbish, renovate, rehabilitate

entry |1 pages

Redundant, jobless, unemployed

entry |1 pages

Referee, umpire, judge

entry |1 pages

Referendum, referendums, referenda

entry |1 pages

Reform, re-form

entry |1 pages

Refuse, decline, deny, refute

entry |1 pages

Regarding, in regard to/with regard to

entry |1 pages

Regardless, irregardless

entry |1 pages

Register office, registry

entry |1 pages

Regretful, regrettable

entry |1 pages

Reign, rein

entry |1 pages

Relaid, relayed

entry |1 pages

Remains, remainder, remnant, relic

entry |1 pages

Remember, recollect, recall, remind

entry |1 pages

Remembrance, memory, reminiscence, recollection

entry |1 pages

Repairable, reparable

entry |1 pages

Repeat, reiterate, repetitive

entry |1 pages

Repel, repulse

entry |1 pages

Repellent, repulsive

entry |1 pages

Replica, replicate

entry |1 pages

Reply, answer

entry |1 pages

Report, rapport

entry |1 pages

Reprobate, degenerate

entry |1 pages

Requisite, prerequisite, precondition, requirement

entry |1 pages

Requisition, indent

entry |1 pages

Residence, residency

entry |1 pages

Resident, inhabitant, citizen, subject

entry |1 pages

Resign, re-sign

entry |1 pages

Resort, re-sort

entry |1 pages

Respectable, respectful

entry |1 pages

Respective, respectively, irrespective

entry |1 pages

Responsible, accountable

entry |1 pages

Restaurant, café, diner

entry |1 pages

Restive, restless

entry |1 pages

Result, outcome

entry |1 pages

Retire, retreat, withdraw, pull back

entry |1 pages

Reverent, reverend

entry |1 pages

Reversal, reversion

entry |1 pages

Reverse, inverse, obverse

entry |1 pages

Review, revue

entry |1 pages

Revolt, rebellion, riot, uprising

entry |1 pages

Rich, affluent, wealthy

entry |1 pages

Right, rightly, correct, right-hand, right-handed

entry |1 pages

Rightward, rightwards

entry |1 pages

Rigour, rigor

entry |1 pages

Rise, raise, raze

entry |1 pages

Roast, fry

entry |1 pages

Rock, stone, pebble

entry |1 pages

Rocket science, brain surgery

entry |1 pages

Rode, rowed

entry |1 pages

Role, roll

entry |1 pages

Room, hall, chamber

entry |1 pages

Rouble, ruble, rubble

entry |1 pages

Route, itinerary, service

entry |1 pages

Rucksack, backpack

entry |1 pages

Rules, regulations, stipulation

entry |1 pages

Rumour, gossip

entry |1 pages

Rural area, countryside

letter S|30 pages


entry |1 pages

Sack, sac

entry |1 pages

Sacrifice, gambit, forfeit

entry |1 pages

Safe, secure

entry |1 pages

Safety, security

entry |1 pages

Saline, salty

entry |1 pages

Salon, saloon

entry |1 pages

Saloon (car), sedan

entry |1 pages

Saltwater, salt water

entry |1 pages

Sanction, penalty

entry |1 pages

Satisfactory, satisfying

entry |1 pages

Satisfied, certain

entry |1 pages

Scandinavia, Nordic countries

entry |1 pages

Scapegoat, stalking horse

entry |1 pages

Scarcity, shortage

entry |1 pages

Scenery, landscape

entry |1 pages

Schedule, timetable

entry |1 pages

Scholar, scholarly, fellow (academic)

entry |1 pages

Scholarship, grant, bursary, stipend

entry |1 pages

School, college

entry |1 pages

Scots/Scottish, Scot, Scotch

entry |1 pages

Sea, seas, ocean

entry |1 pages

Seabed, sea floor

entry |1 pages

Seasonal, seasonable, seasoned

entry |1 pages

Secondment, second (work)

entry |1 pages

Secular, sectarian

entry |1 pages

Sell-by date, use-by date, shelf life

entry |1 pages

Semi-, demi-, hemi-

entry |1 pages

Semi-detached house, duplex

entry |1 pages

Semi-weekly, biweekly

entry |1 pages

Sensible, sensitive, insensible, insensitive

entry |1 pages

Sensual, sensuous

entry |1 pages

Serendipity, serendipitous

entry |1 pages

Sergeant, lieutenant

entry |1 pages

Series, serial, cereal

entry |1 pages

Serious, grave

entry |1 pages

Serve, service

entry |1 pages

Session, cession

entry |1 pages

Sew, sow

entry |1 pages

Sewage, sewer, sewerage

entry |1 pages

Sex, gender

entry |1 pages

Sexually transmitted disease, venereal disease

entry |1 pages

Shade, shadow

entry |1 pages

Shall, will

entry |1 pages

Sharp, sharply

entry |1 pages

Shear, sheer

entry |1 pages

Shelf, shelve, pigeonhole

entry |1 pages

Shop assistant, sales clerk

entry |1 pages

Short, shortly

entry |1 pages

Should, ought to, must, have to

entry |1 pages

Sibling, stepbrother, stepsister, half-brother, half-sister

entry |1 pages

Side, hand

entry |1 pages

Sign, signal

entry |1 pages

Silicon, silicone

entry |1 pages

Similar, like, alike, as if

entry |1 pages

Simple, simplistic

entry |1 pages

Sink, submerged, sunken

entry |1 pages

Sir, Sir, Dame

entry |1 pages

Site, sight, cite

entry |1 pages

Sitting room, living room, lounge, drawing room

entry |1 pages

Situation, state of affairs

entry |1 pages

Size, sized, sizeable

entry |1 pages

Ski (noun and verb), skiing

entry |1 pages

Skilful, skillful, skilled

entry |1 pages

Skull, scull

entry |1 pages

Slack, slacken

entry |1 pages

Slate, slated

entry |1 pages

Sledge, toboggan, sleigh

entry |1 pages

Sliver, slither

entry |1 pages

Slow, slowly

entry |1 pages

Smart, clever

entry |1 pages

Smell, stink, stench, odour

entry |1 pages

Snow, sleet, slush

entry |1 pages

So-called, in name only

entry |1 pages

Sociable, social, societal

entry |1 pages

Social science, social studies

entry |1 pages

Social security, social security number

entry |1 pages

Social worker, caseworker

entry |1 pages

Sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite

entry |1 pages

Sofa, settee, couch, chesterfield, davenport

entry |1 pages

Solicitor, lawyer, attorney, barrister, counsel

entry |1 pages

Soluble, solvable, solution

entry |1 pages

Someday, some day

entry |1 pages

Sometime, some time, sometimes

entry |1 pages

Somewhere, someplace

entry |1 pages

Soon, presently, at present

entry |1 pages

Sore, soar

entry |1 pages

Sound, noise

entry |1 pages

South, southern

entry |1 pages

Southward, southwards, southerly, southbound

entry |1 pages

Spacious, spatial, spacial

entry |1 pages

Spam, Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE)

entry |1 pages

Speciality, specialty, specialism

entry |1 pages

Species, variety

entry |1 pages

Spectra, spectre, specter

entry |1 pages

Speed, sped, speeded

entry |1 pages

Spell, spelt, spelled

entry |1 pages

Spell check, spellchecker

entry |1 pages

Spill, spilt, spilled

entry |1 pages

Spin, spin doctor (news)

entry |1 pages

Spire, steeple, tower

entry |1 pages

Spiritual, spirited

entry |1 pages

Sprain, strain

entry |1 pages

Stalagmite, stalactite

entry |1 pages

Stamp, stomp

entry |1 pages

Stand (for office), run (for office)

entry |1 pages

Stand, grandstand, stadium, arena

entry |1 pages

Starlight, starlit

entry |1 pages

State of the art, cutting edge

entry |1 pages

Stationary, stationery

entry |1 pages

Statistics, stats, figure (information)

entry |1 pages

Statue, statute

entry |1 pages

Staunch, stanch

entry |1 pages

Stay, visit

entry |1 pages

Step, stage

entry |1 pages

Steps, stairs

entry |1 pages

Stimulus, stimulant

entry |1 pages

Stimulation, simulation

entry |1 pages

Stockpile, storage, sequestration

entry |1 pages

Storm, gale

entry |1 pages

Straight, strait

entry |1 pages

Stranger, foreigner, alien

entry |1 pages

Strategy, tactic

entry |1 pages

Stratum, strata

entry |1 pages

Street, road, avenue, boulevard, alley

entry |1 pages

Strength, power, force

entry |1 pages

Stretch, tract, area

entry |1 pages

Strict, hard, harsh, rigorous, severe, tough

entry |1 pages

Strike, stricken

entry |1 pages

String (of), succession (of), sequence of events, train of events

entry |1 pages

Student, undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, pupil

entry |1 pages

Style, stile

entry |1 pages

Subscription, membership fee

entry |1 pages

Subsistence, subsidence, subsidy

entry |1 pages

Substitute, replace

entry |1 pages

Suggestible, suggestive, evocative

entry |1 pages

Suit, suite

entry |1 pages

Sulfur, sulphur

entry |1 pages

Sum, total

entry |1 pages

Super-, supra-

entry |1 pages

Supermarket, hypermarket, shopping centre, mall

entry |1 pages

Supply, provide, provision, deliver

entry |1 pages

Surname, family name, last name

entry |1 pages

Suspect, suspicious

entry |1 pages

Sweat, perspire

entry |1 pages

Swelled, swollen

entry |1 pages

Sympathy, empathy

letter T|16 pages


entry |1 pages

Table a motion, second a motion

entry |1 pages

Tale, story

entry |1 pages

Talisman, amulet, charm

entry |1 pages

Talk, speech, lecture, address

entry |1 pages

Talks, discussion

entry |1 pages

Tap, faucet

entry |1 pages

Tartan, plaid

entry |1 pages

Tasteful, tasty, delicious

entry |1 pages

Tasteless, unsavoury

entry |1 pages

Taught, taut

entry |1 pages

Taxi, cab

entry |1 pages

Teach, train, learn

entry |1 pages

Technician, technologist, technocrat

entry |1 pages

Technical, technique, technology

entry |1 pages

Teem, team

entry |1 pages

Teething troubles/problems, growing pains

entry |1 pages

Temperature, fever

entry |1 pages

Tempo, pace

entry |1 pages

Temporary, temporal

entry |1 pages

Temporary solution, band-aid solution

entry |1 pages

Tendency, trend

entry |1 pages

Tender, bid

entry |1 pages

Tenure, term

entry |1 pages

Term, semester, trimester, quarter (university terms)

entry |1 pages

Terminable, terminate

entry |1 pages

Terminal, terminus

entry |1 pages

Testimonial, testament

entry |1 pages

Thankful, grateful

entry |1 pages

Thankfully, hopefully

entry |1 pages

Theatre, theater, movies

entry |1 pages

There, their, they're

entry |1 pages

Therefore, therefor

entry |1 pages

Thesis, dissertation

entry |1 pages

Thin, lean, slim, skinny, emaciated

entry |1 pages

Thorough, meticulous, fastidious

entry |1 pages

Thousand, thousands

entry |1 pages

Thread, cotton

entry |1 pages

Through, thru

entry |1 pages

Tight, tightly

entry |1 pages

Timber, timbre, lumber

entry |1 pages

Timidity, temerity

entry |1 pages

Titillate, titivate

entry |1 pages

Today, tomorrow

entry |1 pages

Toilet, toilette, WC, bathroom, public convenience

entry |1 pages

Tone, tint, tinge

entry |1 pages

Tonne, ton

entry |1 pages

Topic, issue

entry |1 pages

Tortuous, torturous

entry |1 pages

Towards, toward

entry |1 pages

Town, city

entry |1 pages

Town house, terraced house, row house, brownstone

entry |1 pages

Toxic, toxics, toxin

entry |1 pages

Track, trail, path

entry |1 pages

Trade union, labor union

entry |1 pages

Trademark, brand name, brand

entry |1 pages

Trailblazer, pathfinder

entry |1 pages

Transcribe, transliterate

entry |1 pages

Transcript, academic record

entry |1 pages

Transfer, relocate, resettle

entry |1 pages

Translate, interpret

entry |1 pages

Transmit, broadcast

entry |1 pages

Transparency, slide, overhead

entry |1 pages

Transparent, translucent

entry |1 pages

Transport, transportation

entry |1 pages

Travel, journey, trip, tour, voyage

entry |1 pages

Treachery, traitor, treason

entry |1 pages

Treaty, accord

entry |1 pages

Treble, triple

entry |1 pages

Troop, troupe

entry |1 pages

Trooper, trouper

entry |1 pages

Truth, truthfulness, veracity

entry |1 pages

Typical, characteristic, usual, customary

entry |1 pages

Typo, misprint

letter U|4 pages


entry |1 pages

Unaware, oblivious

entry |1 pages

Unbalanced, biased

entry |1 pages

Unbending, inflexible, rigid

entry |1 pages

Underneath, below, under

entry |1 pages

Uneatable, inedible

entry |1 pages

Unexceptionable, unexceptional

entry |1 pages

Unfair, inequitable, unjust

entry |1 pages

Unilateral, bilateral, trilateral, multilateral

entry |1 pages

Unintelligible, incomprehensible

entry |1 pages

Unique, really unique

entry |1 pages

United Kingdom, United States of America, United Nations, UK, USA, UN

entry |1 pages

University, uni, varsity

entry |1 pages

Unlawful, illegal, illegitimate

entry |1 pages

Unsatisfied, dissatisfied

entry |1 pages

Unstable, instability

entry |1 pages

Until, till

entry |1 pages

Urban, urbane

entry |1 pages

Usable, useable

entry |1 pages

Use, utilize, usage

entry |1 pages

Used to, be used to

letter V|5 pages


entry |1 pages

Vacancy, opening

entry |1 pages

Vacant, available

entry |1 pages

Vaccinate, inoculate, immunize

entry |1 pages

Valuable, invaluable, priceless

entry |1 pages

Valueless, worthless

entry |1 pages

Value creation, wealth generation, added value

entry |1 pages

Vapour, vaporize

entry |1 pages

Venal, venial, venereal

entry |1 pages

Vendor, vender

entry |1 pages

Verbal, oral, aural, written

entry |1 pages

Verbiage, verbosity

entry |1 pages

Verso, recto

entry |1 pages

Vertex, vortex

entry |1 pages

Vest, undershirt, waistcoat

entry |1 pages

Vet, veterinary surgeon, veterinarian

entry |1 pages

Via, by means of

entry |1 pages

Vice, vise

entry |1 pages

Vicious, viscous

entry |1 pages

Victim, casualty

entry |1 pages

Vigour, vigor

entry |1 pages

Village, settlement

entry |1 pages

Visible, visual

entry |1 pages

Vociferous, voracious

entry |1 pages

Voucher, coupon

letter W|8 pages


entry |1 pages

Waist, waste

entry |1 pages

Wait, await

entry |1 pages

Waive, wave

entry |1 pages

Waiver, waver

entry |1 pages

Wake, waken, awake, awaken

entry |1 pages

Warm, hot

entry |1 pages

Warning, caveat, proviso

entry |1 pages

Waterproof, watertight

entry |1 pages

Weather, whether, wether

entry |1 pages

Web page, website, home page, World Wide Web

entry |1 pages

Weight, weighting

entry |1 pages

Well-, well

entry |1 pages

Welsh, welch

entry |1 pages

West, western

entry |1 pages

Westerly, westbound, westward, westwards

entry |1 pages

Whatever, wherever

entry |1 pages

While, whilst, whereas

entry |1 pages

Whisky, whiskey

entry |1 pages

White-collar, blue-collar

entry |1 pages

White Paper, Green Paper

entry |1 pages

Whitsun, Pentecost

entry |1 pages

Who, whom

entry |1 pages

Whose, who's

entry |1 pages

Win-win, no-win

entry |1 pages

Wire, strand, wire rope

entry |1 pages

-Wise, -ways

entry |1 pages

Witness, testify

entry |1 pages

Womanly, womanish, effeminate, effete

entry |1 pages

Wood, forest

entry |1 pages

Work, works

entry |1 pages

Work experience, internship, placement

entry |1 pages

Workforce, staff, manpower

entry |1 pages

Worldly, mundane

entry |1 pages

Wound, injure

entry |1 pages

Wreak, wrought

entry |1 pages

Wreck, destroy, smash

entry |1 pages

Write, wright, rite

letter X|2 pages


entry |1 pages

X-axis, y-axis, z-axis

entry |1 pages

Xenon, halogen (headlamps)

entry |1 pages

Xerox©, photocopy

entry |1 pages

Xmas, Noël, Yuletide

entry |1 pages

X-rated, 18 certificate

entry |1 pages

X-ray, ultrasound

letter Y|2 pages


entry |1 pages

Yankee, Yank

entry |1 pages

Yea, nay

entry |1 pages

-Year-old, years old

entry |1 pages

Yield, relinquish, surrender

entry |1 pages

Yogurt, yoghurt, yoghourt, yurt

entry |1 pages

Yoke, yolk

entry |1 pages

-Yse, -yze

letter Z|2 pages


entry |1 pages

Zenith, nadir

entry |1 pages

Zero, oh, nought, naught, nil

entry |1 pages

Zero tolerance, zero-sum game

entry |1 pages

Zip, zip fastener

entry |1 pages

Zip code, postcode

entry |1 pages

Zoom, whizz