This chapter builds on the work of Rachman, Sookman and Steketee, Coughtrey, Shafran, Lee, and Rachman, Warnock-Parkes, Salkovskis, and Rachman, Radomsky, Dugas, Alcolado, and Lavoie, and Rachman. Cleaning related to fear of contamination is reported by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) patients. There are three categories that will be referred to as contamination types, with many patients reporting mixed fears: Fear and avoidance of dirt, germs, or other contaminants such as chemicals related to fear of becoming ill or spreading illness to others, with washing rituals and safety behaviors in order to protect self and/or others; similar stimuli associated with a feeling or physical sense of contamination, dirtiness, or disgust with rituals to "get rid of the feeling"; mental contamination: feelings of contamination in the absence of physical contact with a contaminant. If the self-contamination is linked to obsessions, recommended treatment is a combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for obsessions and for contamination.