Yet, nothing in the history of dialectical philosophy makes it inherently a philosophy of the

double or the dyad;7 and closer reading of these thinkers reveals a complex, plural, and circum-

ferential vision of what Hegel called the ‘manifold self-differentiating expanse of life’ (1979

[1807], p. 121). Here, I will comment at most length on Hegel, with passing mention of Marx

and of Darwin, a figure often overlooked in the history of dialectical thought-but important

to mention, given his influence on theories of evolutionary world politics (EWP). As we

know, both Hegel and Darwin were products of Anglo-European empires and their racist theo-

rizations of world history are themselves subject to dialectical critique. Yet, these thinkers sim-

ultaneously fashioned ideas that potentially undercut their racialized hierarchies and telos. To set

up this account of dialectics, some philosophical excursus is required.