Subj. (consistently/without stopping/diligently) tries to (use the target language/control vocabulary/use language context/provide comprehensible input/adopt … )


3. A为/给B提供+NP(输入/语境/教材/背景知识)

A provides B with (input/(language) context/teaching material/background knowledge)

 我发现这种教法不但为学生提供大量、丰富的语言输入,而且对 提高教师自己的语言水平也大有好处,就是操作起来并不容易。

 语境包括为学生提供与课文话题相关的背景知识,多种媒体的教 材等。

35语境 yǔjìng N. (language) context 36背景知识 bèijǐngzhīshi NP. background knowledge 37媒体 méitǐ N. media 38方方面面 fāngfāngmiànmiàn NP. each and every aspect 39值得一试 zhídéyíshì VP. worth trying zēngqiáng V. to strengthen, to reinforce, to enhance

(Subj.) is incapable of doing sth./unable to do sth.