We discussed in chapter 28 that technology has effectively supported group teaching. Performance skill learning requires not only instruction but also independent practice. In this chapter, we present how technology has supported student practice and independent learning. Student independence is extended beyond the classroom or one-to-one setting into student practice and enhanced by integrating appropriate technology. Self-regulation is needed in effective practice to self-assess, find strategies, implement them, and reflect upon progress (Zimmerman, 2001). We present how technology used in the classroom and linked to student practice has supported and enabled student self-regulated practice in ways not previously possible. When students are actively involved in the practice decision process, they are more likely to perceive progress and a greater sense of ownership in their development (Berg, 2008). Music teachers have integrated and made use of technology that provides recording capabilities for self-assessment, audio and video playback for modeling, and performance assessment and feedback during student practice both in and beyond the classroom. Audio media, video media, computer software, and web-based learning environments have provided guidance and structure to student practice while permitting the student to work independently of the teacher and making their own practice decisions.