K urt Vonnegut calls his notification that the world is coming to an end A Man Without a Country, by which he means that the country left him, not the other way around. Mr. Vonnegut is quite hilarious in contemplating the impending disaster. I semi-quote: Humor is a way of protecting yourself from how awful life can be and next to the last step before giving up altogether. Here’s how life is really awful. The country is led by psychopathic personalities without consciences but with enormous power. These psychopathic personalities are “persuasive guessers” who guess disastrously about the future. We go along, we trust authority, we are patriotic, we are ignorant, and we are gullible. We can’t even identify the people who know something about the world that we are tearing apart. Not the country into which Vonnegut thought he was born.