This chapter brings together 12 contributions that illustrate the many ways methods are continuously capturing and composing the world. It demonstrates a notion of doing method. The emphasis on doing, and specifically capturing and composing, brings with it a whole host of implications as to how methods are doing the world. It is fair to say that in most methods textbooks, capturing and composing might be thought of as collecting and analysing. Capturing has many layers of meanings, among which are: to cause to be stored in a computer; and from physics, capturing also refers to sub-atomic particle absorption. Capturing and composing are epistemic constructs: they organize knowledge in and about the world; they are also ontic constructs and organize aspects of the world. It is up to methodologists and interdisciplinary researchers alike to come together to 'white box' the ways in which both method and interdisciplinarity re-produce the capturings and composings that ultimately defy individual and collective agency.