There are many different types of “programs,” “policies,” and “projects” in criminal jus-

tice: different interventions within government (federal, state, and local), community, and

private agencies. In fact, one could argue that thesemany interventions comprise amajor-

ity of what criminal justice really is all about: a series of constant innovations and exper-

iments attempting to discover what works to meet the goals of criminal justice (e.g., to

reduce criminal behavior, to protect public safety). These numerous innovations attempt

to change individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and even societal and cultural

norms in some cases, to improve the achievement of criminal justice goals. Criminal jus-

tice, then, is muchmore than just the daily business of police, courts, and corrections that

forms the grist for many university courses and professional training in criminal justice.

Here are just a few examples of criminal justice interventions (Figure I-1).